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Partake in Taking Your Child to Work Day

Partake in Taking Your Child to Work Day

The fourth Thursday in April is the annual Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day. This prestigious national event is a holiday which exposes millions of kids to hands-on experience in the workplace. Go beyond book learning and career day by bringing your child to work today!

Originating in 1993 and created by Gloria Steinman and the Ms. Foundation, the holiday initially included only daughters as an effort to increase exposure to women in the workplace. However, this important day of the year grew in popularity and in 2003 the name was changed to incorporate both sons and daughters, citing that the exclusion of males was out-dated.

Regardless of your child's gender or gender-identity, Take Your Child to Work Day dispenses much-needed guidance and wisdom to your precious little one. Much like their gender, if your work schedule part-time, full-time, or you work at a white-collar or blue-collar, this holiday is for you.

Why? As children develop and grow, the goal of parents is to increase their level of independence gradually. Eventually, you want them to be able to take care of themselves as much as possible. A significant step towards successful adulthood consists of encouraging and helping them to become financially self-sustaining.

Much like grown-ups, children learn best by getting all their senses involved, whether you work in a kitchen, office, factory, etc. Children can observe with their eyes, touch with their hands, listen to instructions and interactions, sniff for changes in scent and, taste things to see if they are edible. Practical contact will teach your son or daughter the sensory details in the way you earn a living.

If you are not sure if your career is favorable or well-suited for your child, use caution and common sense. Be sure to supply safety equipment that fits kids if you are taking them along to a dangerous worksite, such as in the case of construction. In cases that may be more emotionally damaging or even potentially traumatizing for their young mind, protect them by limiting exposure through careful planning.

Making definite associations between working and bringing home money requires tutelage. Put yourself in their shoes. You get dressed and leave for a mysterious place, and a paycheck seems to appear magically. Let them discover the skills and environment you go to nearly every day to provide for yourself and your family by bringing them along with you for this holiday.

To summarize, teaching your kids does not begin and end at home and in the classroom. Enrich your child's mind by giving them the gift of first-hand education about your job. This real-world learning is critical to prepare them for adult life adequately. This month, enhance their perspective and help enlighten your child by participating in Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day.

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