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Summer Solstice at Stonehenge

Summer Solstice at Stonehenge

Just imagine witnessing the first rays of the sun as they emerge from the horizon, lighting up the incredible stone structure before your eyes. Now imagine sharing this warming sight with thousands of others who have also come to celebrate the summer solstice at Stonehenge. Many spend this time with spiritual ceremonies or rituals and others who have arrived to soak in the experience.

Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, is one of the most mysterious marvels of the world that dates back to the Bronze Age. In fact, there is evidence that it was first built and used as a ceremonial site as early as 3000 B.C. Between the immense stone monuments and the epic history of the site, it is no wonder that Stonehenge is a place of spiritual inspiration and wonder for people of many beliefs and faith.

With a scenic natural setting and mystical history, Stonehenge is a popular gathering place during Litha or the Summer Solstice. Thousands will make the trip to greet the longest day of the year at this site. It is here that you’ll find modern Druids conducting their sacred rituals and groups of people practicing yoga as the sun rises. Diversity and spirituality rule the longest day at Stonehenge.

While the stone monument and earthworks surrounding it remain, there is no written record to give us clues about the site. How it was built and why it was significant are all questions that we can only guess the answers. Instead of revealing answers, intense archeological studies have only brought up more questions. This has helped create numerous myths and beliefs about Stonehenge and the mystery only serves to deepen the spiritual nature of the site.

There are no historical records that indicate Stonehenge was ever used as a ceremonial site on the Summer Solstice. However, in the modern era, it’s become a place of pilgrimage for many. The first official summer solstice celebrations at Stonehenge were established in 1972 and were a yearly event until 1984. Now it’s evolved to be an unofficial party that became sanctioned by the Guardians of Stonehenge in 1999. The event is free to all attendees.

If you happen to be in the area and would like to participate in the festivities, there are many options. Several tour groups arrange for campouts during the summer solstice. This allows the planning to be out of your hands. However, you may pay a premium. If you plan on arriving on your own, it is advised to take public transportation to and from the site. This will help you avoid the crowded roads and will make for easier access to the site. Entry to Stonehenge is free at the summer solstice and offers exclusive access at night, provided you meet the strict conditions of entry. While there are regulations regarding camping equipment, alcohol, and drugs, the most important rule is that you act in a manner that respects the sacred nature of the site and that you act in a way that respects others beliefs.

Whether you are an enthusiastic participant or a curious observer, there is nothing like spending the longest day of the year at Stonehenge.

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