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Are You Cosmically Linked?

Are You Cosmically Linked?

The universe and all inside it are connected. The relationships that we forge in our lives are not mere accidents but are instead a part of a larger picture that guides our current manifestation. After we consider the cosmic nature of all of our romantic, platonic, and familial relationships, we can better understand their purpose. So, how do you know if you are cosmically linked, and why? Check out the signs below to determine what type of connections your relationships carry and how you can utilize them to project yourself into a more successful and fulfilling future.

The Relationships That Shake Us Up

Not all relationships come as easy as the breeze. Some are difficult and uncomfortable. Just as important as our easygoing relationships, people in our lives that shake up our mundanity or challenge our perspectives are just as critical and valuable. If we throw ourselves away from our center, we are faced with the challenge to re-establish peace and serenity.

Consider, are you growing in your sense of right and wrong? Are they reminding yourself of your highest held values and intents? Are they igniting a new path for you? If you answer ‘yes,’ this person may be cosmically placed in your life to alter your life path or remind you of what is truly important.

The Relationships That Hurt Us

Not all relationships last forever, and these are also cosmic lessons. Relationships that hurt us in some way whether they end tragically, end abruptly, or change drastically for the worse, are here to remind us of our strength.

A sudden absence in a relationship that once took up a large part of your life and energy will allow that space to become room for new growth. There is now an opportunity for a new relationship—and its lessons—to form in its place.

The Relationships That Heal Us

There are people in our lives that are here for our healing and happiness. Trying or failed relationships are not the only ones that we learn and grow from. There are people in our lives that are here to heal our souls. These healing relationships will teach us how we can pay the love and respect we receive forward in an endless cosmic chain.

Relationships that heal are cosmic reminders that after all of the tragedy and heartbreak, the connections we experience are primarily reminders of love, acceptance, adventure, and warmth. Each of us exists within the universe for a specific purpose, and those that help heal our souls through trials and difficult times help motivate us forward.

Our nature is to form relationships with others to honor the cosmic connections we are all a part of. We all have relationships whose purpose might seem obscure, but ultimately, they are reminders of a vast cosmic web. We should honor each relationship for their lessons, support, and guidance!

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