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What Do My Fantasies Mean?

What Do My Fantasies Mean?

Have you been fantasizing more than usual lately? Ever wondered what your fantasies actually mean? Our fantasies play a massive role in our sexuality and individuality. While fantasies don’t always have to be sexually related, many report that this is the most popular area in which they stem from.

Fantasies can come from all areas within your life such as fantasies about a new job, winning the lottery, meeting your prince charming or dating a model. A fantasy is like day dreaming and it allows us to run free with our thoughts. We can be whoever we want in our fantasies, whether you want to be a billionaire or a porn star.

Fantasies don’t always hold truth and many people analyze their fantasies a bit too much. For example, if a fantasy includes jet setting around the world as a famous musician, it doesn’t mean you want to leave your wife and kids behind. A fantasy about lying on a beach, sipping margaritas doesn’t mean you want to have no responsibility whatsoever and certainly doesn’t mean you are lazy.

It is important not to get dreams confused with fantasy. Fantasies are like dreams that you have while you are awake. Except, you are aware that they are happening and you have more control over them. Fantasies develop in a variety of forms and everyone is unique when it comes to their own individual fantasies. If your husband or wife fantasizes about having sex with a celebrity it certainly is nothing to worry about. If they are fantasizing about your best friend, then there is a cause for concern. We have control over our fantasies as opposed to our dreams where we do not.

At the end of the day, fantasies are for fun and allow us to explore and discover more about ourselves. They give us a ‘time out’ from regular daily stresses and routine events. Let’s explore the most common subject of fantasy.

Sexual Fantasies

Fantasies of a sexual nature can be either beneficial or detrimental. If you are fantasizing about someone other than your partner throughout the day, this may raise a red flag and you might need to look into what you truly want in a relationship. If it’s a celebrity or someone that is out of your reach, it is not something you need to worry about. That is a normal topic for fantasies.

Fantasizing about your partner can be a fabulous way to spice up your love life, especially if you share fantasies with them. It can excite your sex life and create a stronger, healthier bond between you and your partner. Sexual fantasies can also help someone distinguish their sexual orientation, if they are unclear, or allow couples to act out a sexy rendezvous that may bring a new level of passion into their relationship.

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