How to Remember Past Lives

Do you believe in past lives? Have you ever experienced Déjà vu, where you felt like you have been somewhere before or experienced it before? Have you met someone recently that you just know you have met somewhere before, but have no idea where? These all might be signs you have lived in the past, even hundreds of years before your current life.
If you remember anything from your past life it can greatly enhance the way you live your life now. You may learn lessons about what you don't want to repeat in your current life and you may make choices to benefit you if you know how your past life was. If there is such a thing as past lives, then why can't we recall the events of them? We may forget our past lives for our own protection as living in the current moment with the past events circulating through our minds would make life a bit unbearable. You can remember little moments so that you will not overload your mind with too much information. Let's take a look at some ways that you may be able to remember some of your past lives.
Purchase a Journal for Your Past Life
Whenever you come upon any moments such as coincidences or Déjà vu, write them down. For example, you may have been helping a friend out with a research project on famous attractions in Italy, then later that day you stumble upon a documentary on TV discussing the sights of Italy including the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Coliseum in Rome, the Vatican City or gondola rides in Venice. Is this just a coincidence, especially since you have never taken an interest in Italy or its attractions before? Then you begin to remember seeing pictures of the Coliseum gladiator fights when you were in grade school. Now if you had all of these three events and glimpses in one day, it would be good to explore more on this topic.
Do more research on the Coliseum and the events that occurred there. See if anything else pops up in your mind such as visions and flash backs. How do you feel when you see pictures of the Coliseum or the events that occurred there? Write it down. Keep asking yourself questions. You never know, you might have fought as a gladiator in Rome's world-famous monument.
Write Down a List of Dislikes and Likes
It is time to examine your personality. What attracts you? What annoys you? What do you feel throughout your body at certain times in your life? For example, I always feel warmer than everyone else or I have a love for the Caribbean. Write down what you love and dislike with regards to people, places and things. What food you enjoy? Salty or sweet? What is your clothing style is? What destinations are calling out to? The more you know how you live and feel now, the more you can connect to the past lives you have had.
Listen to Your Dreams
Our dreams are extremely important when it comes to remembering anything from our past lives. Before you are going to sleep ask yourself to visit some of your past lives. It is always a good idea to keep your 'past life' notebook beside the bed. Scribble down anything you remember from your dreams. While you may not experience an overload of information the first few nights, keep at it. Memories will come.
In a Nutshell
Your past lives are the past and they should only be viewed as a way to be a better version of who you are now. You may learn lessons from your past lives that may alter who you are now and hopefully in a good way. After all, it is all about the present.