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Past Lives Articles

Move Forward by Looking Back

Move Forward by Looking Back

Sometimes, you think you recognize someone but you can’t quite place how you know them. At other times, a mysteriously familiar smell is wafting through the air as you move through your day or you get a sudden feeling of dread that seemingly comes out of nowhere and stops you dead in your tracks. All of these flickers of recognition are your soul’s way of acknowledging familiar people and places from past lives. It is a powerful reminder that you that you still have important work to do.

These moments of recognition indicate that your life is at a critical juncture and it’s time to right the wrongs of your past or show gratitude for the many gifts of love that you’ve received throughout time. By examining your past lives, you can uncover hidden strengths and weaknesses that will help you make wiser choices in this life. You have the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in order to find a sense of peace, harmony and balance, which can profoundly affect your relationships, your career path and your health.

The people who are important to you in your daily life such as your family, friends, lovers, and yes, even adversaries have been with you throughout time. Whether they are a source of unconditional love and support or a source of constant conflict, their appearance in your life speaks to the direction and quality of your life’s journey. By opening up to the lessons of your past life, you can gain clarity on the challenges of your life, the direction of your journey and your purpose. With a thorough examination of your past relationships, experiences and transgressions, you will find it easier to:

Make Amends — Since we are only human, we all make mistakes and often those mistakes hurt the ones we love, our adversaries or even innocent bystanders. When you make amends, your internal healing can begin while allowing others to extend the gift of forgiveness.

Find Forgiveness — When others hurt us, it can be extremely hard to forgive. Time doesn’t always heal these wounds, which makes it difficult to move forward. However, holding on to hurt and anger will block your spiritual growth. These feelings of hurt and disappointment are strong emotions that put you at odds with the ones you love and the universe at large. By working towards forgiveness, we are able to close a chapter of our past, take responsibility for our actions and move into the future with wisdom.

Overcome Fears — Whether you’re afraid of creepy creatures, noises in the nights or a room filled with strangers, what you fear can reveal unresolved issues in a past life. If fear and anxiety have hijacked your life and modern therapy hasn’t helped, exploring your past lives may reveal the genesis of your fear. By examining and understanding the source of this anxiety, you will have the tools you need to vanquish these debilitating fears.

Connect with The People Who Matter Most—From people who are only in your life a short time to those who provide constant encouragement and support, every person you meet can play a vital role in your life. Whether your challenge is to make peace with someone or to find comfort in the arms of your soul mate, these connections will help clarify your purpose in life.

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