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Past Lives Articles

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Have you ever thought about your past lives before? Ever wondered what you might have experienced or done in your past life or lives? Many people have wondered what life they may have lived before and how it may help them to move ahead in the future. The future is unknown for all of us, but there are ways we can greatly increase our chances of having a more positive experience in life if we explore what was. Here are some excellent ways in which past life regression can help you overcome challenges that you might face along the way and in the present moment.

A More Positive Future

If you can connect to your past lives by writing down the times you have experienced Deja Vu or any other familiar 'been there' feelings, you may be able to learn from them. If you have a gut instinct about certain situations that you just know are not right, listen to them. You may have already gone through these negative scenarios before and made the wrong decisions. This may be why you are feeling such anxiety when a 'familiar' situation crosses your path again. The more you can connect to your past lives, the more you will be able to have a positive future as you learn from old mistakes.

Past Life Regression Frees You

If you undergo past life regression therapy you may feel as though you have been relieved from past pains and stress. Acknowledging past lives and the events that occurred may in fact heal you. You may be able to heal past emotional traumas that have been haunting you in your present day life. Mental burdens may be lifted and you may feel like a load has been taken off your shoulders.

You Can Better Yourself

If you go through past life regression you may discover painful events in which you were the one causing grief and pain to others. This can allow you to heal and make sure you don't make the same mistakes and decisions again that will only lead to negativity. You can take a glance at past behaviors and learn from them to create a more improved version of yourself.

Recognize Skills and Talents

Sometimes with past regression therapy we can discover skills we never knew we had. We might see ourselves working on a design for a building in New York or we may see glimpses of ourselves painting a masterpiece. Past life regression can allow you to see talents that might have been hidden all these years and push you to explore and embrace them. Therefore, it can enhance your present life in a variety of ways.

See Your Self in a New Light

Past life regression can allow to see yourself for who you truly are. You may recognize why you do the things you do or why you feel it is so important to turn off the lights or to be polite. Perhaps you were in the service industry in a past life or fought in the war when you had to keep hidden and without lights causing attraction. Whatever it is that you discover about yourself, it can help you understand more about who you are as a person in the present. Deeper understanding of one's self brings a deeper state of happiness and clarity in the present moment.

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