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Past Lives Articles

Recognizing the Cast of Your Past Lives

Recognizing the Cast of Your Past Lives

If Shakespeare was right and, “all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players,” then you can consider the various characters in your life to be the cast of your life.

While you hold the lead role in the play of your life, there are countless others in supporting roles who have varying degrees of influence through the different acts of your life. In fact, the characters in your current life may have also had a role to play in your past life.

Many believe that souls are drawn to each other time after time, until we fully learn the vital life lessons of love and forgiveness that we can only learn through our relationships with others. By learning how to recognize the cast of characters from your past life, you are able to get a head start on the karmic work required in this life. Whether this person is your soul mate or enemy, it is always helpful to know the people in your life and their true intentions.

How to Recognize the Cast of Your Past Life

Pay Attention to First Impressions — Do you feel an undeniable spark of attraction or unexplained animosity the first time you meet someone? Pay close attention to your initial reaction to the new person in your life. Often, your intuition will provide you with important clues to whether or not the person has appeared in your past life and whether they provided you with a sense of completion or a challenge.

Pay Attention to Sensory Triggers — Whether you see a piece of jewelry that sets off a flicker of recognition or you smell a familiar scent in a new city, there are many sensory triggers that can help remind you of a past life.

Listen to Your Inner Voice — It is imperative that you listen to your inner voice, especially when it urges you to take unexpected action. These moments of encouragement will put you on track to bump into important people from your past. Don’t be afraid to say yes to a spontaneous outing with friends and don’t get upset by a traffic detour or flight delay—you never know who you’ll meet on this unexpected path.

Sensing the Familiar in the Unknown — There are times when you meet someone new and you feel like you’ve always known him or her. It could be that you are introduced by friends and spend the evening catching up like a long-lost friend from your childhood or you start talking to the person in front of you in line at the bank and find that you have oddly parallel life experiences. Discovering the feeling of familiarity in a new person is more than just a happy coincidence. It is a message from your past life that you have not yet reached the resolution of your life’s story.

By paying close attention to your life story and the cast of characters that surround you, you have the opportunity to examine the relationships that have followed you into your present life. This sets the stage for you to discover your connection to the characters that play an important role in your current life.

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