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Pets & Animals Articles

Can A Pet Be Your Soul Mate?

Can A Pet Be Your Soul Mate?

Ever wondered if your furry friend is your soul mate? The idea of a pet being an owner’s soul mate may seem out of this world, but for some owners, this is how they see their relationship with their pet Fluffy or FIDO. If people believe in animal spirit guides and animal symbolism in dreams and in tarot cards, why not soul mates?

Many people have different versions of what a soul mate truly is and there have been numerous discussions on the different aspects of our soul mates and how they come into our lives. For example, a person who believes in reincarnation of all souls and beings may believe that their grandfather’s soul has passed onto their new puppy if their death and birth was around the same time frame. After all, pets do take on familiar human traits even if they cannot speak the same language as us.

A soul mate is a being that accepts you on all levels and who truly understands you. A soul mate is a being that does not resent you for mistakes or constantly disappoint you. How are these character traits different from that of a loving pet? Here are some pet-friendly facts that might make you believe that your furry friend is, in fact, your actual soul mate.

They Love You Unconditionally

Pets are amazing friends and can provide you with a sense of great purpose throughout your life. Some adults choose to have a pet over having children and end up treating their pet as their very own child. If you are single and looking for your soul mate, don’t you want this person to love you for all of your accomplishments and faults? Do you want them to love you regardless of all the mistakes you make? A pet can offer you that type of unconditional love on a variety of levels. They will not judge you or pull you apart to make themselves feel better, they will not manipulate you into doing things you do not want or try to purposely hurt you. This is what a soul mate is and should be.

They Only Seek Love From You

A pet is not seeking money from you or looking to get in with the right crowd through you. A pet does not require much more than a cuddle, a dish of food and a warm place at the foot of your bed. They only want to be near you and be loved wholeheartedly. In many ways, humans are the same. On a general basis, we all seek shelter, food and to be loved. So what is the difference between a human soul mate and pet soul mate? Nothing really.

Your Pet Knows When You Are Blue

Just like a human soul mate, your pet picks up on your moods, whether happy or downright sad. They try to console you by being near you when you cry, cuddle up to you when you are staring numbly off into space and try to snap you out of it if you are moping for too long by asking you for a walk.

You be the judge on whether or not your pet is your soul mate, but clearly, pets have the exact traits as the soul mate you dream of and will stick around loyally through the best and worst of times.

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