Quirky Cat Behaviors Explained

Cats are some of the most popular domestic pets across the world. Their popularity in our households may be due to the cute and quirky behavior that baffles us as much as it makes us laugh! But, sometimes, their mystery is also part of their appeal. So, when do you know whether a particular behavior is normal, and what is cause for concern? Read on below for some of the normal (for cats, at least) behaviors, and continue enjoying your eccentric furry companions in all their glory!
The Zoomies
Have you ever awakened from a deep sleep at 3 AM to the tune of your cat bouncing off the walls and darting from room to room? Well, your cat has a case of the zoomies. This behavior is every bit as annoying as it is normal. Cats will have bursts of hyperactivity out of nowhere and during the least opportune times. Be mindful that cats are still very wild in instinct, and even though they sleep most of the day, they also have a lot of built-up energy that needs a release. If this quirky behavior is getting in the way of a good night’s rest, try setting aside time during the day to engage your cat in play to wear him out.
Cats are notorious for their unique sounds: meows, purrs, hisses, etc. However, the most puzzling sounds are when your cat “chatters.” Usually, chattering occurs when your cat sees a squirrel or bird in the yard through a window. This behavior is due to excitement from seeing a potential source of prey and the frustration of not being able to chase after it. Don’t be alarmed; this sound is unique but typical for a domesticated indoor cat.
Sleeping in Tight Places
Sleeping in your laundry basket filled with dirty laundry instead your sizeable comfortable bed filled with clean blankets? It may seem illogical, but cats aren't always the most predictable! You may have guessed this behavior is another product of your cat’s strong instincts. Spanning back to their wildcat ancestors, felines would sneak into tight spaces to protect themselves from predators. So, if your kitty feels safe and secure to snooze the afternoon away in your less-than-desirable spaces, this is entirely normal!
Giving Us “Gifts”
A dead mouse may not be at the top of our wish list, but our cat may think otherwise! This is considered the highest of honors for a cat owner. When a cat gifts you their latest conquest, this is your cat's way of thanking you for all we do for them. Your cat is attempting to repay you for keeping them safe and fed. Don’t encourage or scold this behavior; hopefully, these gifts will become less frequent!
Cats will continue to grace our homes and hearts for generations. It is no accident that these furry creatures are just as lovable as they are strange—if you can keep up with their quirks, you will have many years of joy with your purring pet!