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Pets & Animals Articles

What Your Dog Can Teach You

What Your Dog Can Teach You

Our four-legged friends offer us so much love in our daily lives and many of us come to think of them as family members because they are our best friends, our confidants and they make us feel ultimately loved. Owners hold a special place in their hearts for their pet dogs and many do not realize just how much they can learn from their furry buddy.

Dogs are amazing at living and being in the present moment. Unlike humans, they don’t analyze and they don’t question things. They don’t sit in a ball of anxiety over the next action they are going to take and they don’t care what they may look like when they do eventually act.

Dogs do exactly what they feel in any given moment provided they are not being ordered otherwise by their owner. Here are some amazing ways how dogs can teach us a little about living in the present moment.

Dogs Know How To Truly Relax

Dogs are amazing at letting themselves fall into a relaxing state. They don’t worry about how they will look when they fall asleep or what they might miss out on when they snooze. They don’t allow anything to hold them back from their slumber. They will plonk down and take it when they need it.

While it isn’t as easy for us to do the same with having children to raise, full time jobs and other responsibilities we need to be awake for, there is some lesson to it all. The lesson is that we should learn to give ourselves the time and relaxation we need to feel our best. We should put aside time for ourselves to recover and rejuvenate.

Dogs Feel Joy And Express It Right Then And There

How many times do you come home from work and have a bundle of excitement waiting for you? Most dogs can teach us a thing or two about expression and feeling joy. A dog hears the click of the keys in the door and instantly knows that someone they love (and who cares for them and loves them back) is back in their space. They jump, they nuzzle up to your pant leg and some even pee on the floor out of excitement. All because you are home and with them once again. The lesson? If more of us expressed how we feel when our loved ones return to us each day, we would have stronger and more solid relationships.

Every Day And Every Experience Is Unique

Take some time to watch your dog when they are out in the backyard, goofing off on the lawn or running beside you on trails in the woods. Do you see how they see everything as new? Every rock, every tree and every bird that flies past their nose is new to them. They become excited and their eyes grow wide with wonderment. Imagine if we looked at the world like this every single day.

Our dogs know much more than us about living in the present moment and appreciating every little experience that crosses their path. Next time you are worrying about the mistakes of yesterday and panicking about the events of tomorrow, spend some time with your furry friend and follow their lead about living in the now.

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