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Edgar Cayce: An Amazing Psychic

Edgar Cayce: An Amazing Psychic

Every year, thousands of people worldwide become engrossed in the life of one normal person. The name of this “ordinary” individual was Edgar Cayce.

Born in 1877, Cayce lived (for the most part) an average life. He was a loving husband, father to two children, an expert photographer and a dedicated Sunday school teacher.

However, he was also one of the most impressive psychics of the Twentieth Century.

A Most Extraordinary Ordinary Man

Every day for forty-three years, Cayce demonstrated a remarkable ability to start a self-induced sleep state. He would lie down on a couch, close his eyes and gather his hands over his stomach. He put himself into a relaxed and meditative state.

This position enabled Cayce to be in contact with all time and space. What was more intriguing was that he could respond to all types of questions, from secrets of the universe to common ailments and sicknesses.

The responses to these questions, called "readings," contained valuable insights for humanity. Many have found the readings so valuable that, even today, people use them for everything from eating a balanced diet and developing close relationships, to beating serious illnesses and becoming closer to the Divine.

Psychic Readings about Individuals

If Cayce’s subject matter and accuracy was not compelling enough, his mind was so effective in this reading state that he would perform readings about individuals around the world while he was lying on his couch. Cayce would even respond queries without anyone in the room asking them! He mentally connected with others and their surroundings, relationships and activities.

Cayce could answer questions about any period in history. The information Cayce provided made it clear that there were no restrictions on his mind by the conventional limits of space and time.

A Humble Man

Edgar Cayce was a humble man since he claimed to have no particular abilities. He never considered himself to be a prophet. His readings never offered one set of beliefs for others to follow.

Instead, Cayce focused on the fact that each person should be an individual and explore their own principles. He urged people to find out the truth for themselves.

Cayce considered himself a Christian. For every year of his life, he read the Bible cover to cover. He also believed it was necessary to learn belief systems of different people in the world. There were several principles throughout Cayce’s readings including the oneness of all living beings, tolerance, compassion and an understanding for all major world religions.

Cayce’s Work Lives On

After his death in 1945, several organizations continued working with the information taken from all of Edgar Cayce’s readings:

  • The Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (ARE) makes Cayce’s data available through hands-on presentations and publications. Members worldwide can stay informed of any activities and developments concerning his work.
  • The Edgar Cayce Foundation is legally responsible for Cayce’s readings. The foundation spends time and resources sponsoring studies comparing the Cayce information with other schools of thought.
  • Atlantic University (closed in 1931, but reactivated in 1985) offers a degree in Transpersonal Studies based on Cayce’s readings.
  • The Health and Rejuvenation Research Center studies the medical information contained in Cayce’s readings. The organization incorporates the data into modern medical research.
  • The Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy trains therapists from all over the world in the healing benefits of massage and holistic health, one of the main themes in Cayce’s readings.

The development of these organizations, as well as the millions who are still fascinated with Cayce’s readings, prove that the psychic information from a regular Kentucky father and photographer can withstand the test of extensive research for nearly a century.

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