10 Ways to Recharge the Soul

Life can be really draining. When you feel like you are in a slump, try out these 10 great ways to recharge your soul.
10. Learn New Things Everyday
Learning comes in so many forms. Regardless if you prefer to gain information from documentary films, from a mentor, or by searching the web, learning new things every single day keeps the soul in a state of childlike wonder and can completely change your attitude and your view of the world. Expand your mind by opening to new concepts, facts and ideas as much as possible.
9. Take a Chance
Getting stuck in a rut is very common for adults. Fight off this boredom and jaded outlook by trying new things when the opportunity arises. Maybe you have never traveled, done archery or gotten a tattoo. Whatever it may be, if you have never done it before, give it a whirl. Even if it turns out not to be the best choice for you in the future, putting yourself out there tells the universe you are ready for new challenges.
8. Confide in a Trustworthy Person
Sometimes, in order to recharge, we must confess something or get an issue off of our chest. Even if you do not feel like you want advice, simply speaking to another person about your problems will alleviate stress and revamp your soul.
7. Look Your Best
It may seem shallow, but when you look your best on the outside, you feel your best on the inside. Show the world how brightly your soul shines by revealing your inner beauty through your clothes, level of fitness, hair, make up, etc. People will take notice.
6. Adjust Self-Talk
If you catch yourself speaking about yourself in a negative way throughout the day, combat these bad thoughts with more positive ones. Instead of being your own worst critic, be realistic about your aptitudes and achievements.
5. Rekindle an Old Friendship
Use social media to find that old kindred spirit or call up that person you have saved in your phone from way back when. Spending time with someone who knows your past can rejuvenate your soul and help you to realize just how far you have come.
4. Play a Team Sport
A big part of modern day life is spent sitting at a desk or in the car with little to no face-to-face contact. Break this soul crushing monotony by joining an adult softball, volleyball or kickball team. Doing so develops camaraderie, bonding and a sense of success.
3. Volunteer
Hardly anything is more gratifying than volunteer work. Pick up litter on the beach, hand out food at a shelter or mow your elderly neighbor’s lawn. The satisfaction you feel will cause your soul to soar.
2. Participate in a Creative Activity
Getting your creative juices flowing can get you in touch with your soul’s true wants and desires. And, we all know we can only get what we want after we know that we want it. Paint a picture, make a necklace or doodle while you are on the phone. Any little bit helps.
1. Get Back to Nature
Everyone has a particular landscape or natural feature that touches their soul. It can be a mountain, a sunset, an open field, etc. Go to the place that makes you feel alive and at one with nature and this will greatly enrich your soul and prepare you for whatever is to come.