All You Need to Know About Red Auras

All living beings possess an aura—these representations of our energy can change over time. The relationship between our auras and chakras is more substantial than one might immediately think. Our auras and chakras communicate with electromagnetic light to form a vibration of light and color that we can perceive around ourselves and others. Red auras are directly linked to our root chakras or the first chakra. When you think of red, you might associate passion, tenacity, and vitality—for a good reason! Read on to discover what a red aura says about your personality, energy, and spirituality!
The Color Red and The Root Chakra
The root chakra, or the first chakra, is located at the base of our spine. Our root chakras rule areas of security, vitality, and stability. If our root chakras are balanced, we will feel grounded, energetic and stable. However, if our root chakras are out of balance, feelings of anxiety, instability, and insecurity may arise. If unbalanced, there are practices you can try to correct your root energy. For example, take a walk outdoors, try some yoga, or connect with nature around your home by cultivating a garden.
What Does It Say About Your Personality if Your Aura Is Red
When your aura is perceivably red, your root chakra is well-balanced and strong. What does this mean for your personality? You give off a rather intense and passionate energy for those around you to witness. Fires burn hot, and we don't miss any red stop signs, so you are hard to overlook! However, a red aura is not all burning hot energy; this also means you are grounded and confident. Feeling self-assured is only natural if you are stable in your surrounding world. A red aura means you have a fierce personality that feels confident about taking risks to reach new heights.
What Are Some Challenges to a Red Aura
A red aura means that you are a galvanizing and energetic force; however, some pitfalls may result. Those with a red aura are naturally inclined to anger. Again, you burn hot! You may have difficulty backing down from specific opinions, perceptions, and beliefs. If you possess a red aura, there will be the constant matter of checking your emotions and ensuring you keep your defenses in check.
Red Auras in Relationships
Lights, camera, passion! Those with red auras are highly passionate lovers and partners. You will not be bored with a red aura partner, and they go to great lengths to keep the fire of your love and passion burning hot. Now, this may seem like the ideal situation, but as relationships develop, this can lead to some issues. Red auras must be front and center, and they can quickly become bored. So be sure to prioritize new, sensory, and exciting activities to keep them tied around your finger!
If you can keep your temper in check and your senses focused, there is very little that those with a red aura can't accomplish!