Creating a Sacred Space

Invest in your wellness by creating a sacred space that is dedicated to your peace of mind and spiritual development. It doesn’t matter which religious beliefs you hold or what path you follow, creating a sacred space in your home will give you a place to go and connect with your spiritual side in solitude.
When you decide to create a sacred space, it is important that you find a quiet spot that is removed from the loudest and busiest rooms in your home. Whether you have an entire room to devote to this endeavor or just a private nook, you can work with what you have to create a personalized place for quiet reflection.
Be sure to take the time to consider what you want to accomplish in your sacred space. Will it be a dedicated spot for quiet meditation, or a place to read and observe the natural world around you? Depending on what you want to accomplish in your space will help you determine how much space you need and if any specialized equipment is needed.
After you decide on the placement of your sacred space, find a way to mark it and set it apart from the more public areas of your home. Do beaded curtains appeal to you or are you drawn to vintage screens? The details of how you mark your space are less important than the fact that you find a way so that you are showing guests that this is a special space for you and you alone. Setting your space apart with a physical boundary is also your reminder to go inward and set your other concerns aside during your time in the sacred space.
Once you set aside your sacred space, make sure that you can get comfortable during your time there. Take into account your personal tastes and the physical space as you decide on what type of seating to include. Remember, much of your work in that space will be done while seated, so be sure to include enough cushions or a chair that allows you to sit comfortably for an extended amount of time.
Now that the foundation of your sacred space is set, be sure to add inspiring design elements to personalize the space. These elements may include white candles, incense, inspirational artwork or meaningful tokens such as crystals, figurines or other spiritual icons that speak to you. Keep it as simple and spare as you want, or go all out with the inspiration, this is your sacred space and should reflect what you find sacred and inspiring.
The last element of creating a sacred space has less to do with setting up the space and more to do about turning the space sacred. It can also be argued that this element is one of the most important aspects of turning your special nook into your sacred space. The magical element is a ritual. By engaging in a ritual that is meaningful to you is another way of telling yourself that you are leaving your everyday cares and spending time in your sacred space. It could be a simple ritual of lighting a candle and saying a brief prayer, or it can be detailed and complex. The key is always to find what speaks to you and allows you to better connect with yourself and the Divine.