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Spirituality & Meaning Articles

Cut through Emotional Clutter

Cut through Emotional Clutter

It happens to the best of us; we move into a new apartment or house, and it feels like there is so much space and before you know it, what was once a vast and empty space is filled with home furnishings, decorations, and paperwork that is piling up on the kitchen counter. In short, your home becomes cluttered with a variety of items—some that are useful and many that are not. This mass of belongings can cause you to be distracted or uneasy in your home. Not to mention it can make finding what you're looking for impossible.

Much like your home, your emotional state can become cluttered with memories, emotions and mementos of the past. Some of these reminders are of the good times gone by and upon revisiting stir a spark of nostalgia and a smile. Other reminders aren't so pleasant and can cause your heart to ache despite the years. Much like one can clean and organize a home; you can also clear through the emotional clutter to reclaim your inner peace.

As with any large project, your ultimate success depends on how well you prepare yourself for this undertaking. To that end, it is recommended that you obtain a journal. This journal will provide you with a safe place to create your personalized purging plan. It doesn't matter whether you prefer to record your thoughts digitally or on paper, just find a way that works for you.

Step 1: Create A Plan

Where are you going to start? Don't let yourself get overwhelmed before you even start. Take the time to determine your priorities and make a decision of where to start. It's often recommended to start small and build on your success. You may find it helpful to create "categories" and go through your emotional clutter one category at a time.

Step 2: Get Busy

Once you've analyzed the emotional landscape, it's time to figure out how you're going to navigate your way through it. Do you need to let something go, do you need to do research or do you need to talk to someone as you process the past? Figure out what you need and find a way to get it done. This step is when your journal comes in handy. Use it to create a list of things to do that will help you identify and confront your past so you can move forward.

Step 3: Find a Place for Everything

You know what they say, a place for everything and everything in its place, and that includes emotional clutter. If you have decided to move past a hurt from the past or forgive someone, it's time to move forward. Don't bring up past offenses that you have forgiven and don't return to memories that you've decided to keep in the past.

Unfortunately, cleaning house and going through your physical and emotional clutter is not a one-time event. However, with practice and dedication, you can become more adept at putting the emotional clutter in its place before it becomes an overwhelming project.

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