Exploring Spiritual Intimacy

Believe it or not, spirituality has a great effect on our intimate relationships. If we have not reached any level of spiritual understanding, we may be held back when it comes to truly connecting to another human being. Life goals such as falling in love, creating a family and living a full life may be hindered because we are not spiritually aware.
It is common to get a bit confused about the topic of spirituality as it is tricky for some to understand fully. Many people believe that spirituality is solely found through the practice of religion. This is entirely untrue, as spirituality can be found through a variety of life experiences and in a variety of places including nature, yourself and in connecting with others.
When it comes to love and intimate relationships, spirituality may be understood as that deep bond you have formed with another human being. It may be defined as the intense sad feeling you have when that special individual is away for too long or how you tear up at the thought of losing them or living in a world without them. Real intimacy cannot be reached without some level of spirituality. Think of it as a deeper level of connecting to another person. An intimate part of yourself that you only trust with that one person.
Unfortunately, many couples rush into serious commitments such as marriage or creating a new life before discovering that level of spiritual intimacy and they may suffer in the future because of it, possibly even leading to divorce. Here are some tips on how to explore your spiritual intimacy with your current partner or your future one.
Spend More Time Talking
It doesn’t matter where you are at the time, so don’t try to make it a picture perfect moment. Just laze around together talking about your goals, dreams and general feelings about your day to day lives. This type of communication may seem like babble to others, but it will offer so much for the both of you. There will always be an open door between you where you can speak your mind or share what is troubling you. The more you practice talking and communicating about everything and anything, the closer you will be.
Learn How To Be Friends
Many couples never learnt how to be friends within their relationship and became too caught up with roles of a partner, boyfriend, wife, bread winner, homemaker etc. By doing things together as friends do such as playing a sport, meeting for lunch during a work day or brainstorming new business ideas, you can reach a whole new level of spirituality in your relationship. Spirituality can be explained in hundreds of ways, but opening your heart, sharing your soul and your daily life with another human being is definitely a form of it.
Unconditional Love Offers Increased Intimacy
Couples say that they love each other regardless of faults and quirks all the time, but do they really love their partner unconditionally? The real key to spiritual intimacy is loving your partner as they are, right now. No changes need to be made, no results need to occur and no goals have to be achieved today. When you love your partner spiritually, you love them today. You can get all excited about things you can work on together and for the future as a team, but don’t make anything a condition of receiving your love.