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Spirituality & Meaning Articles

Finding Comfort in the Wake of a Crisis

Finding Comfort in the Wake of a Crisis

It’s no secret that the world is a scary place, just watching ten minutes of the news can rev up anxiety and ratchet up your fear. It’s especially common in times of breaking news and national crisis to stay glued to the television, addicted to finding out each new detail (or rumor) as it hits the airwaves. Many people find themselves emotionally depleted and in search of comfort after a time of crisis.

It’s common to be overcome by sadness and fear in the wake of a tragedy, whether it happened down the road, in another state or halfway across the world. As the world becomes more connected through news and social media, our exposure to tragic events increases and it becomes difficult to find comfort in the wake of a crisis.

One question becomes how do you balance the need to for knowledge with your mental wellness? By giving yourselves the tools you need to find comfort in crisis, you can turn from a sad and powerless individual to a contributor of the greater good and help your community heal after tragedy.

Reach Out

Isolating yourself from your family, friends and community can intensify your feelings of sadness, despair and fear. Reach out to the people you love to find emotional support. Sometimes saying, “I am sad about this event” will help you feel lighter. Additionally, you may find that your loved ones are hurting too. Use this time to come together and comfort each other, remind each other of the healing power of love.

Take Action

There will be times when sitting on the sidelines and watching the news is not enough. Taking action to help victims, the families or the community can help you heal. Taking action has a way of connecting you to the event and is often a way of reclaiming your personal power. Even if you don’t live near the epicenter, there are many ways that you can contribute to relief efforts.

It’s always best to research what the affected community needs and go from there. Should you organize a clothing drive or donate blood? Each crisis is different and requires a different response. Be sure that the action you take will help those affected, and not create more work.

Share Love

Never underestimate the healing power of love. Use this time to express the love you feel for your family and friends. Pick up the phone to call a family member you need to catch up with or extend an invitation to a friend you haven’t seen in awhile.

Another way to share love is to care for the first responders and others in the community who are on the front lines of dealing with the crisis. Is there something you can do that will help them on the job?  Share the love with them too by donating food or supplies in recognition of their efforts and sacrifice.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we will be confronted with times of crisis time and time again. In order to keep love in our hearts, we need to make sure we turn to one another and provide comfort to each other.

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