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Spirituality & Meaning Articles

How to Respect the Spiritual Beliefs of Others

How to Respect the Spiritual Beliefs of Others

Personal spiritual beliefs should be respected just like any other beliefs that individuals possess. Whether the belief is in guardian angels and the tarot or in the power of crystals and animal spirits, it is important to respect their beliefs and avoid making any derogatory comments. For years, certain spiritual beliefs were regarded as black magic or evil, and anyone who stepped outside traditional beliefs such as Catholicism or Christianity were deemed to be astray and traveling on a bad path.

Here are some ways you can show your respect for the spiritual beliefs of others regardless of whether you share their beliefs.

Share an Experience with Them

A great way to show your support when a friend or family member has a differing spiritual belief is to share in an experience with them. Attend a tarot card reading, have your palm read, learn about the power of crystals, or spend some time discovering who your animal spirit or guardian angel is. The more you share in the experience with a loved one, the more they will feel supported and respected by you.

Remain Open-Minded and Flexible

Being flexible and open-minded is very important when you want to show your respect for someone who has different beliefs than you. If you share a space with someone who has a variety of beliefs in topics such as guardian angels, past lives, spirits and unexplained phenomenon, respect them by keeping an open mind and recognizing that everyone is different.

To help keep your mind open, think about your own beliefs and how you express your passion for them. Do you keep a secret shrine of your favorite football team’s paraphernalia? Have you always had a love for horses, and have statues placed throughout your home? Anyone coming into your home may think you have an obsession for this football team or horses. Would you want them to state their negative comments?

Everyone has the right to their own passion and beliefs, whether they believe in fairies or have a strong love for dogs.

Avoid Making Derogatory Comments

Making negative comments about someone’s spiritual beliefs may lead you down a negative path yourself. Sometimes what we put out into the world comes back at us three-fold. There is no reason to be hurtful or to tear apart someone’s spiritual beliefs, no matter how silly they may sound to you.

Derogatory comments will only lead you down a negative road, and will not change anything or anyone. If you do not like the fact your Great Aunt believes in angels or that your grandfather believes in past lives, do not comment on it. Keep your opinions to yourself.

You can show your respect without having the same beliefs yourself. Just recognize that everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, opinions and beliefs, and if you want to express your feelings about someone’s spiritual beliefs, be gentle with your words and considerate towards others.

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