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How to Use Crystals for Protection

How to Use Crystals for Protection

Whether you want to use crystals to protect your home or for your own protection, they can be extremely helpful. While crystals can’t protect you against robbers, break-ins or intruders, they can help by protecting you and your loved ones from negative experiences within the home and in your daily life. Crystals have been used as an alternative therapy for many years, and many believers fill their homes with protection crystals of their choice.

Life is full of moments that surprise us, and we cannot always avoid everything negative that comes our way. That is what life is about – embracing the beautiful moments and surviving the difficult ones. How you survive these difficult moments is up to you. Crystal therapy can help to rid the negativity from your life and allow you to move onto happier, more positive experiences.

What Crystals Are Used for Protection?

There are a variety of crystals and gemstones that are used for protection. If you want to be protected from enemies, evil, bad relationships, illness, bad luck and negative energy, use Amethyst, Agate, Citrine, Malachite, Eye Agate, Black Onyx and Jade. There are more crystals that are used for self-protection from all things evil, but start with any of the ones listed above.

How to Use Crystals for Protection

Crystals have been known to give off vibrations and energy which can allow you to become more aware and in tune with your atmosphere and environment. Crystals can help balance energies within the home and keep negative and evil energies out. Place crystals around your home, wear one around your neck or carry one with you in your purse or pocket. Do not allow others to touch your personal crystals as they should only have your energy placed on them so they can work more efficiently for you.

You can attempt to keep negative energy out of your home with the use of crystals, but what about the negativity you have within yourself? Many of us have lingering negative thoughts that encompass our days and take over, leaving little room for positive moments and joyful experiences. Some of us are our own worst enemies. In this case, create a private area for yourself within your home. Place crystals, like the ones mentioned above, in a circle. Sit within the circle and practice breathing and meditating. Clear your mind and allow the negative thoughts to seep out of your mind. Allow the crystals to pull these thoughts from you, and imagine them absorbing these negative feelings and thoughts. Crystal therapy is a fantastic way to rid yourself of negative thoughts and feelings.

If you want to protect the area around your home, place protection crystals at four points around the outside of your house. Make sure they can’t be disturbed, and that they won’t be kicked up by a dog or destroyed by the lawnmower.  Place them in the ground so they are grounded, offering protection from a solid place of strength.

There are so many uses for crystals in this day and age and protection seems to rank high on the list. Our world is not an easy place to live in and raise our children in, but we can use various forms of protection to make the path through life less difficult or negative.

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