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Secret Societies That Shaped the World

Secret Societies That Shaped the World

All too often we think of secret societies as only existing in the movies and action-packed novels. But the real truth is that secret societies are real and have helped shaped the world in surprising ways. While we do know that secret societies are very much well and alive in the world, we do not always know their secrets or the full extent of their influence. Even though rumors and speculations run rampant about these secret societies, there is some information that we know for sure about these fraternal organizations and their place in history.

Freemasons—This fraternal organization dates back to the organizations founded by stonemasons in the 1300s. Its hierarchy is based on the apprentice, journeyman and master designations that were used by artisans in Medieval times. This is a highly ritualistic society that uses symbols, secret handshakes and mystical rituals as part of their ceremonies. Many of the other secret societies that are still in existence are based on the practices of the Freemasons.

Skull & Bones—Founded in 1832 at Yale University, Skull & Bones is a secret society for seniors, not underclassmen. Unlike the Freemasons, women can be tapped to join Skull & Bones. Membership is limited to 15 rising seniors who are known for being leaders and standout figures on campus. While membership records are now kept secret, it is known former president George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were members. One of the most popular theories associated with this society is that it was actually a breeding ground for the CIA and still holds control over the intelligence agency.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn—The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is a magical order that was established in the late 19th century by three freemasons. There are three orders to the society that focus on different elements of the occult, including metaphysical studies and paranormal experiences. Like the Freemasons, the Order of the Golden Dawn has a hierarchy with ritualistic ceremonies to mark promotions within the society. Unlike the Freemasons, the order allows women to be members. It was incredibly popular in Great Britain and its diverse study of ancient arts and esoteric subjects paved the path for the modern day practice of Wicca.

The Illuminati—Established on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria, The Illuminati was founded to expose how religious prejudices and superstitions were holding back society from progressive changes. It was a radical position and the group was eventually outlawed. Legend has it that there are contemporary secret societies with their roots dating back to the original Illuminati. This reputation for power and world control has made the Illuminati a popular, if shadowy figure, in countless novels, movies and other stories.

While it can be hard to separate the fact from fiction about secret societies, it is undeniable that these organizations play an important role in shaping history. From their membership roles boasting world leaders to their contributions to popular culture and historical events, secret societies hold an important place in the heart and spiritual development of the world.

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