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Spiritual Practices of Wicca

Spiritual Practices of Wicca

Our collective imagination runs wild when we hear the term Wicca or witch. Whether we think of beautiful women with dark eyeliner and mystical powers or of old crones crackling with evil, the books, movies and TV shows we watch rarely portray Wiccans in a flattering, or even accurate light. The first thing you need to know about the spiritual practices of Wicca is that it is a modern religion based on pagan rituals that was first developed in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner.

Wicca is commonly thought of as another and equal word for witchcraft and it is based on ancient pagan rituals. Unlike other established spiritual practices, Wiccan rituals and theological beliefs aren’t defined by a central authority figure, which leads to a very diverse and eclectic group of believers. Instead of being based on a central deity, Wicca’s core theology comes from the balance of Divine Masculine energy and Divine Feminine Energy as embodied by the Horned Lord and the Mother Goddess.

Important Elements of Wicca

Coven—A coven is a self-governed group of Wiccans led by an initiated priest and priestess who work together. Tradition holds that covens have 13 members, but like much of this religion, it is not a rule that must be followed. As the coven grows, they may branch out into smaller covens but remain affiliated as a larger group. Initiation into the coven is often marked by a dedication ceremony following an apprenticeship that lasts one year and one day.

The Pentagram—Often thought of the mark as the devil, the Pentagram in Wiccan is a symbol of the five elements: air, fire, water, earth and spirit. These elements are invoked during the magical rituals.

Sabbats—The eight Sabbats are religious holidays or festivals that mark the changing of the seasons as outlined on the Wheel of the Year. During these rituals the coven, or group of Wiccans, gather during the full moon to perform traditional rites. Typically, a circle is cast and the five elements are invoked. Once these protective rituals are completed, the coven can then continue on to ask prayers and work spells that raise energy that may be used to send healing to people outside of the circle. During a Sabbat the traditional magical tools are placed on an altar that is within the circle. Once the prayers and rituals are completed the deities are thanked and the closing rituals takes place.

The Book of Shadows—While there isn’t one defining sacred book of Wicca, the Book of Shadows is a compilation of texts and rituals that outline traditional aspects of the religion and its practices. Unlike other sacred texts, practicing Wiccans are invited to add to their Book of Shadows so that each becomes a personalized account of their personal spiritual practices.

The Wiccan Rede—The moral tenets of Wicca are outlined in the Wiccan Rede. The core belief that is common throughout most every coven is the Threefold Rule and that what actions or thoughts you put out in the world will come back to you in triple intensity. If you put good out into the world, you will receive good three times over and if you put evil out in the world, that too will come back to you three times over. However, it’s not limited to actions, but thoughts as well.

Based on natural cycles, the elements and the dueling forces of masculine and feminine, Wicca is a diverse and eclectic spiritual practice that appeals to many people who live all around the world.

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