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The 7 Chakras and You

The 7 Chakras and You

By studying the ancient Tantric belief of Chakras, you are in a better position to strengthen your mind-body-spirit connection and overcome challenges in your life. The term, chakra, is a Sanskrit term that refers to the seven points along the spine where mind and body are connected. Each point rules a different area of the body and a different area of the mind. When you are in optimal physical and mental health it is believed that your chakras are open and keeping your sacred energy flowing. However, trouble starts when there is a blockage in one of the chakras and it may result in illness, injury or confusion and miscommunication.

The chakras start at the base of the spine and go upward to the crown of the head. In addition to an area of the body and mind, each chakra is related to a color of the rainbow with red being associated with the first chakra. Additionally, each chakra is identified by a unique symbol and can be targeted for healing with a specific vibrational frequency. While it’s always a good idea to do continual energy work to keep your chakras open and flowing, there always comes a time in your life when they require a bit more attention and you find yourself in need of a chakra cleansing.

Brief Introduction to the 7 Chakras

First Chakra—The Sanskrit name for the first chakra is Muladhara and it is commonly known as the root chakra. It is at the base of the spine and grounds you to the world. When this is blocked you will feel anxious, nervous and indecisive when it comes to meeting your needs.

Second Chakra—The next chakra is located just below your belly button and is known by the Sanskrit name, Svadhisthana. Since it is centered near the reproductive organs, this chakra is associated with creativity and giving new life to thoughts and ideas.

Third Chakra—Manipura is the Sanskrit term for the third chakra located in the solar plexus. This chakra governs your confidence and self-esteem. When this is blocked you may feel out of control and unable take action towards your goals.

Fourth Chakra—Near and dear to our heart is the fourth chakra, Anahata, or the heart chakra. When this is open, you will feel connected to the people in your life. Blockages will cause feelings of isolation, depression and sadness.

Fifth Chakra—Are you having trouble speaking up or communicating with your loved ones? If that’s the case then your fifth chakra in your throat, the Vishuddha may be blocked. The throat chakra is the center for voicing your opinions and making yourself heard. When this is open you will have an easier time communicating your message.

Sixth Chakra—Centered between your eyebrows, the sixth chakra is most commonly called the third eye. It is also known in Sanskrit as Ajna. It is the gateway to trusting yourself. If it is blocked you won’t be have access to all the important insights that your mind, body, and spirit possess.

Seventh Chakra—Found at the very crown of your head, the seventh chakra is where your spiritual knowledge and connection to the divine resides. In Sanskrit it is called Sahaswara and when it is open it can lead to true and complete enlightenment.

When your chakras are open they are a spinning vortex where the mind, body and spirit meet and swirl in harmony. When there is a blockage this movement comes to a stop and there are ill effects found throughout your life. While you can always work with an advisor to help you get to the root of the blockage and do spiritual work to clear it, you can also work on clearing the blockages with a targeted yoga practice and other chanting. For best results, working with a healer and a self-guided meditation and yoga practice is recommended.

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