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Castles in the Cards: What They Mean for Your Tarot Reading

Castles in the Cards: What They Mean for Your Tarot Reading

If you receive tarot readings or read your cards regularly, you may have noticed reoccurring physical motifs throughout several decks—castles, landscapes, animals, water, etc. Some of the most striking art in tarot depict castles, typically rendered as intense and intimidating structures on many cards. What do these structures mean for our tarot readings, and how can we use their symbolism to interpret the clearest messages in our sessions with the tarot?

Castles As Symbols of Our Goals and Progress

We consult the wisdom of the tarot for spiritual and practical guidance in many unique life matters. Often we may find ourselves uncertain of our path towards a critical life goal. The tarot is here to provide you with the framework to uncover the most effective action plan. If you confront a castle in the cards, the most common interpretation is that the castle represents your specific goal, desire, or destination. The castle can suggest methods of either the path or attainment of this goal for our personalized readings.

Castles As Symbols of Defense and Shelter

Nowadays, castles are not as common in our everyday landscapes. However, castles were a sign of ultimate defense against outside forces back in their day. The castle was the ultimate form of protection from nobility to everyday citizens to livestock when under attack. Consider your overall question to the tarot in your reading—the castle may be trying to communicate the need for shelter, a sense of safety, or security from a force attempting to destabilize or redirect you.

Castles As Symbols of Wealth and Fantasy

Although the castle is a refuge in times of danger for many, it is also a symbol of nobility and royalty. Another common interpretation of the castle in tarot may be attempting to communicate themes of wealth, triumph, power, and achievement. In spaces of power, you are better able to dream and grow in your opportunities and successes. The castle in the tarot is also a direct reminder to wander the grand halls of our subconscious with the curiosity and confidence of a king to achieve what we want.

Placement of the Castle in Your Card

Pay attention to the placement of the castle in your card—is it far off in the distance, does it take up the majority of the picture, or does the castle feel impossible to enter? Depending on the card, the castle may be trying to communicate helpful information about your strategy, motivation, or destiny to fulfillment. The castle reminds us of the larger picture and ultimate reward at the end of a long journey. Remember to be patient, stay focused, and never lose sight of the long game.

Whether you are new to the tarot or practice daily, you encounter symbolic motifs to help you decode your most pressing questions. How will you interpret the varying messages of castles in your next tarot reading to clarify your most urgent questions?

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