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Celtic Cross vs. Ankh Spreads

Celtic Cross vs. Ankh Spreads

The depth and accuracy of a Tarot reading is the direct result of the type of spread and number of cards used in the spread. Some spreads contain as few as three cards and only touch on broad categories such as present frame of mind and looming situations. Smaller spreads yield little more than a vague overview. In order to get an accurate picture of where you are and where your life is heading, you will need to invest some time and energy in a nine or ten card spread.

The two spreads which encompass enough to provide thorough information are the Celtic Cross (ten cards) and the Ankh spread (nine cards).

One of the main differences between the two spreads is that the Ankh spread contains two significators (cards which represent the querent: the person seeking knowledge) which are dealt out with the other 7 cards in the spread, while the Celtic Cross uses only one significator, which is chosen by the reader for the querent.

The Celtic Cross spread is divided into two parts: the cross and the staff. The cross consists of the first six cards drawn from the top of the deck with the first and second cards forming the middle of the cross while crossing each other. They form a second, internal cross. These two cards together indicate the heart of the matter. The first card describes the present situation of the querent and the second card represents the challenge.

The remaining cards in the cross concern movement across the time space continuum and also the movement of ideas and desires from the subconscious to the conscious.

The staff (four cards laid out to the right of the cross) tells of the relationship between the querent and his or her environment. Meaning is derived by juxtaposing and comparing cards in different positions.

The Ankh spread is shaped like the Egyptian symbol it is named for. Like the Celtic Cross spread, this spread uses the first six cards from the top of the deck to form the loop at the top of the Ankh. These six cards contain the two significators and speak to the continuum of life and our perceptions. The remaining three cards form the straight line at the bottom of the Ankh.

Although the cards may hold different positions within the two spreads, many of the cards with same card number in the dealing sequence have similar meanings.

For example the third card in the Celtic Cross, a traditional spread, signifies the past and in the Ankh, a more new age spread, the third card is said to represent early causes. These represent strong parallels.

Likewise, the fifth card represents higher consciousness (the Above Card) in the Celtic Cross spread and it represents higher perception in the Ankh spread. This is the same principal stated slightly differently.

The stem of the Ankh spread has three cards. The eighth card concerns surprises while the eighth card in the staff of the Celtic Cross’ spread provides insight into external influences. These also signify very similar concepts.

In both spreads the last card represents outcome. The Celtic Cross and Ankh have more similarities than differences and for this reason, either is recommended for in-depth readings.

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