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How to Start Your Day by Pulling a Tarot Card

How to Start Your Day by Pulling a Tarot Card

Tarot is trending—and for a good reason! Whether you are a curious adventurer, a natural-born intuitive, or something in between, the Tarot can provide a spiritually vibrant roadmap to your journey. With any practice, the more you do it, the more it starts to work for and with you! Beginning a daily Tarot pull ritual can look different for different people; however, consistency is critical for your spiritual gains. Read below to construct your personalized daily Tarot pulling practice and discover what spiritual awakenings await you!

Starting Is the Hard Part

Having ideas for ways to benefit your health and life is easy; however, implementing them is the hard part. Luckily, there are some tips on how to set the stage for your new daily practice below:

1. Find Your Deck: If you don't already have a deck, it is essential to choose one that speaks to you. Pay attention to the imagery, colors, patterns, and folklore across decks, and allow your gut to decide which is speaking to you most vibrantly.

2. Set the Scene: Every ritual needs an intentional space. Pick a visually aesthetic area of your home that feels inviting and soothing. You can add a formal shrine or arrange your favorite spiritual objects, such as crystals, stones, icons, candles, or incense. Most importantly, this area should be clear of distractions and feel safe for you and your practice.

3. Set Your Ritual: Do you tend to have more time to devote to yourself in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Whatever the case, choose a time of day that feels best for your practice and keep a consistent schedule. It is okay to switch it around occasionally; however, it is best to stick to a specific time for the best results.

Learn to Accept the Pull

There is no “good” or “bad” pull, although some cards might suggest a less-than-ideal reality or opportunity. Whatever your card(s), you must accept them and not redo your Tarot ritual if they don't fit your idea of what it should be telling you. Accepting whatever card(s) may arise is good practice in your spiritual journey—no message is ever wasted, and your guides and energies are trying to reveal these messages to you with sincerity. No matter the difficulty of the message, you must interpret it with intention and care.

Connecting with Your Intuition

Building and maintaining your daily Tarot pull will connect you to your intuition. Don't feel discouraged at the beginning of your practice—feeling a little disconnected from your guides and gut is normal. Use this consistency to build your spiritual vitality—pay attention to patterns, synchronicities, and other notable experiences as they arise in your practice.

Your ability to open your mind to the messages, symbols, and patterns around you will better prepare you to decipher the messages of the Tarot in your life. Make a daily Tarot pull your new ritual; you'll be amazed at what else will open up for you!

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