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Tarot Articles

Interpreting The Lovers

Interpreting The Lovers

Perhaps the most eagerly received card in the Tarot is that of The Lovers. One of the most prominent reasons people turn to the Tarot is to find clarity in their love life, so it only makes sense that this card holds a place of great importance. But its interpretation is more complicated than just, “I’m going to fall in love!” Oftentimes it doesn’t mean anything close to that. So, with that in mind, how well do you really understand the ins and outs of The Lovers card?

Let’s not kid ourselves; much of the time The Lovers card means exactly what you would think it should mean. Love is one of the most powerful forces in a person’s life, and The Lovers card often means that the time is right to let love be on the main stage. One of the most important things when dealing with a force as powerful as love is to know when to allow it to be in charge. The appearance of this card can be interpreted as meaning just that. Don’t be afraid to let love lead the way! Whether it manifests itself in a new relationship, or perhaps a strengthening of a preexisting one, the time is right to be open to permitting love to be a guiding force in your life.

The concept of harmony is also very important when interpreting this card. Make sure you are open to that opportunity to find harmony with another. It can be one of the most fulfilling, joyful things you will ever encounter.

Beyond these more obvious interpretations of The Lovers, sometimes this card will appear to provide guidance when one is faced with a tough decision. Many of us have struggled with a decision where we felt like we were forced to choose between our head and our heart. Is this your chance to take a stand and follow your heart? The Lovers card suggests it just may be. While following our heart is sometimes the more difficult decision, in the end it may just define who we are. Don’t be afraid to be true to yourself take this stand!

With taking a stand, however, comes new responsibilities. The decisions which often lead to the appearance of The Lovers card are rarely insignificant, so it is of the utmost important that choices be made wisely. The Lovers card encourages you to take a deep look at your values when ultimately choosing your path. As mentioned earlier, one of the key elements of this card is harmony. Are your decisions at harmony with who you are?

The Lovers Card can be the most exciting card in the Tarot. Don’t shy away from the thrill of a new attraction. Have no fear of finding a sense of harmony with another (or with yourself). But always be prepared to listen to what else this card may be telling you. By truly understanding all of the ways this card can be interpreted, you’ll make it so that the appearance of The Lovers will always be a welcome sight!

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