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Symbolism in the Tarot Cards: Queens

Symbolism in the Tarot Cards: Queens

Your relationship with the tarot is just as ever-evolving just as you are. There are recurring symbols and motifs within the depths of the tarot that shape the readings we receive if we fully understand them. One of the most prominent symbols is that of the Queen: Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Queen of Wands, and Queen of Cups. The Queen of each of these elements offers a different perspective and personal interpretation for your readings. Read on to learn about the tarot's Queens and how to incorporate their meanings.

The Queens of the Tarot

Queens are a significant player in the tarot—they are royalty, after all! In each card, the Queen is dressed in lavish robes, a large crown and is seated on an elaborate throne. Generally, the Queens symbolize leadership, growing into your best potential, finding yourself, and becoming a role model for those around you. The suit of the card matters to get a more accurate understanding of your reading's message. Each of the four suits represents the astrological elements—pentacles are earth, cups are water, swords are air, and wands are fire.

Queen of Pentacles: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus

When you draw a Queen of Pentacles, this card urges you to become more resourceful and resilient in your material world. For example, this could be your health, career, finances, home life, or overall energy. This card may ask questions such as, are you assertive or passive in these areas? Are you in control? Are you saying ‘yes' to lucrative opportunities? The Queen of Pentacles would like to remind us that we have the means of taking accountability and responsibility for ourselves, our material conditions, and our ability to grow into success.

Queen of Cups: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces

The Queen of Cups' domain is our emotions. If you face the Queen of Cups, you are most likely being called to take a nosedive into your emotional waters. This card may ask, what are your emotional triggers? What motivates and scares you? Are there people in your life that need compassion and emotional support? The Queen of Cups may also ask you to tune into your intuitive powers, slow down to take some self-reflection time, and re-align your emotions to better prepare you for your goals.

Queen of Swords: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

The Queen of Swords should be taken seriously—her message of intelligence, clarity, wisdom, and truth are no light matter. She urges you to stop ignoring issues around you and to face any obstacle head-on. If you receive this card, she may be asking if you are hiding parts of yourself from the truth, if you are being honest with yourself, or if you are viewing difficulties as necessary lessons. Although not everything is so serious, the Queen of Swords also may be urging you to keep your sense of humor about yourself and not to take yourself too seriously.

Queen of Wands: Sagittarius, Leo, Aries

Welcome the Queen of Wands as a reminder of our energetic power, endless potential for ambition, and ever-dynamic selves. She will challenge you to be assertive, take control, and go for it! Who would we be if not taking any risks? She may ask you if you are living with a sense of adventure, if you are inhabiting your strongest self, or if you are dreaming enough of your future. The Queen of Wands tells us to focus on ourselves, but this is never at the expense of others. She wants you to win and will root for you like no other!

Queens are majestic, regal, and fierce entities. Next time you encounter one in your tarot reading, heed her advice to become your most successful self!

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