Tarot Readings and Relationships

At first glance, Tarot cards can be thought of as quite entertaining and a light way to spend an enjoyable evening with friends. Often questions will center on romance. Of course you want to know when you will meet that one special person, if he or she really loves you, or if it is time to move on and change the locks without looking back. A studied reading of the Tarot can help answer all of these questions, while revealing the true motives and aspirations of those closest to you.
Upon deeper reflection, the Tarot can be instrumental in guiding you through the most influential relationships in your life. Whether you are questioning the future of a romantic relationship or clarifying the complex relationships with business partners and colleagues, a Tarot reading has the potential to reveal who to trust, who to avoid and who has a hidden agenda that can derail your future. Keep your future on track by paying close attention to the following areas:
Undercover Agendas — On the surface someone may seem helpful to your cause or simply unimportant. However, appearances can often be deceiving. That person who cheers on you on from the sidelines may actually be undermining your efforts. This is bad enough when it is a coworker plotting against you when your big promotion is at stake, but it can be equally devastating when the rug is pulled out from underneath your feet and the one you love is revealed as a fraud.
Trusting Your Intuition — Oftentimes we go against our gut feelings and choose to believe what we want to believe instead of what's truly being revealed to us. A thoughtful Tarot reading is enhanced by your intuition and serves as a trustworthy guide for the people you should trust and rely on in your life.
Paths to the Future — There are many people in your life who directly influence the path to your future. Whether it is the encouraging boss or a flirtatious encounter with an attractive acquaintance, you never know who will be that special someone that guides you on the right path to success or love. A Tarot reading will give you deeper understanding of the people in your life and the role they play in your success.
New Connections — Know when to be open to new and surprising elements in your life. Be it a wondrous event or a cautionary warning, a Tarot reading will prepare you for these novel encounters. Gaining insight to the true motives of the people you meet will give you the power to cultivate rewarding relationships.
Confidence in Your Decisions — There comes a time when you simply have to act on your decision and accept the consequences. It is hard to step off the ledge into the world of the unknown. Whether you decide to go on that second date or take that demanding job, a Tarot reading can be used to help you develop confidence in your decision. By revealing the true motivations of those closest to you and warning you of potential challenges and adversaries, they can provide you with the ability to keep your future safe and secure.