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The Empress as a Mother Figure

The Empress as a Mother Figure

The Empress is the third trump card in the Major Arcana in the deck of Tarot. The Empress is the female counterpart to the Emperor card. The Empress may indicate that you desire to be a mother or possess the kind of love a mother bestows. She represents fertility, the womb and security. Keywords include: nurturing, maternal instincts, motherhood, creativity, abundance and love.

Card Appearance: The Empress is a royal looking older female figure who is sitting on a throne. She wears highly decorated robes, a crown and holds a gold scepter.

Love: The love from a mother is unconditional and pure. You will either be giving or receiving this love in the near future. Allow yourself to nurture and be nurtured. Romantically, if you are male, you might be approached by a mature woman. You may want to pursue this course of action. If you are female, you may come across a younger man who is in time of need. You could feel a great deal of compassion towards him and welcome him into your arms and your life. It is possible that he will win you over.

Finances: Even if you are in some sort of financial trouble, the Empress is a card of reassurance. Like motherly pat on the back, the Empress wants you to know that in the end everything will be alright. Part of motherhood is endless patience. Apply this character trait to your money matters and realize that through love will come abundance. Do so and many new expensive material possessions may arrive in your life.

Spirituality: Your intuition could be trying to send you a message during this time also. It will be important to listen closely to it now and if that requires that you make alone time, even though there are others who need you, then making time alone needs to be a priority. Heed any messages or warnings that seem to come to you now through your “inner voice.” It may be trying to guide and nurture you so you can move forward with your spiritual journey.

Career: Since the Empress denotes the creative power within, take some time to consider creative ways to improve your career. You may come up with a new and exciting way to make a living. Consult your mother or mother figure for advice if you are having a lot of trouble at work. She will provide guidance, encouragement and support in your endeavors.

Health: If you are female, this card signifies the possibility of children in your future. It is widely considered to be a positive omen for childbearing. If you do not want to become pregnant, you should take extra precautions after receiving this card. Take special care to note your cycles and bring protection, even if you do not plan on using it. You may tend or care for someone else who has fallen ill in the near future as well, as this is a characteristic of mothers.

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