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The Resourceful Magician

The Resourceful Magician

The Magician is the first trump card in the Major Arcana in the deck of Tarot. Alternately, this card is also known as the Magus or the Juggler. Keywords for this card include energy, resourcefulness, new beginnings, opportunities and harnessing your own magical powers. In the reverse position, the Magician could represent trickery.

Card Appearance: The Magician is a male figure who stands before a table or altar. Atop this table, he has many spiritual tools at his disposal. He holds a wand in his left hand. He is dressed in jester-like clothing and has an air of mystery and untapped power about him.

Love: The Magician could represent a special, young and energetic man in your life. He could be your newest innocent crush or he could represent a threat to your current relationship. If the card is reversed, be very wary to commit to any major relationship decisions. He could be trying to pull the wool over your eyes and deceive or trick you. Stay positive and consult outside sources for more information before making any rash moves.

Finances: Use the unlimited energy of the Magician to tackle your financial life. Instead of vegging out on the couch, use your time wisely and create a budget and expense spreadsheet or list. Brainstorm about possible new ways to either save money, bring in income from a new untapped source or both. Be on the lookout for a new financial beginning. A positive financial opportunity may be heading your way. However, if the card is reversed be particularly hesitant about investing in a new venture. The reversed Magician indicates that someone is attempting to con you out of your hard earned money. Do not allow this to happen.

Spirituality: This could be the ideal time for you to learn more about your own and other’s spirituality. The Magician signals an opportunity for spiritual growth, so heed this sign. You may find that inventiveness and creativity can lead you to a wonderful spiritual awakening. Try to use the Magician’s boundless energy to stay spiritually motivated and this in turn will motivate others in your life as well.

Career: Use the resourcefulness of the Magician to your full advantage. There may be important tools which could promote your career which you have overlooked. Be on the lookout for new and innovative ways to get your job done more efficiently and more quickly. Examine the order of events in which you do your work. Perhaps there is a better method which is waiting to be discovered.

Health: Devote some time and energy to your health by fully researching your health problems. Use every resource available to you such as friends and family in the medical field, the library, holistic doctors, the internet and other people in your life with similar health problems. You may be surprised by what you discover when you use all of the resources which are available to you. When it comes to your health, leave no stone unturned.

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