The Sun: A Card of Warmth and Happiness

In the Tarot, the Sun card shows one or two young children—a little boy riding a white pony or a girl and boy—surrounded by sunflowers. On some Sun cards, there will be a wall or a red banner.
The Sun is what rules the Sun card, of course. As the Moon suggests an underlying darkness, representing the wild, untamed subconscious, the Sun describes an inner glow that is intelligent and civilized—the yin to your yang.
When the Sun card appears in a Tarot reading it suggests you will soon be experiencing a sense of freedom, more than you have felt in some time. It could be a good time to contemplate a vacation, experiencing a new place or something different. The Sun speaks of vitality, independence, delight and self-expression.
General Meanings of the Sun Card
For you, the Sun card means that life is likely going well. It might be that finances will soon be in a better shape. However, it is not a time to lose focus on what is most important. Often, cash is not even on the list. The Sun card suggests going out and meeting new people, focusing on relationships and socializing.
Work and the Sun Card
A new job may be just around the corner. No matter what happens next, it will be vital to keep your ego in check. If the reading is about a particular project, you should not forget to share the credit with your co-workers for its success! The Sun card indicates your work life has stabilized and progressing towards a new opportunity with significant improvement.
Love and Romance
If you are in a committed relationship, the Sun card may indicate the need for more personal space, more than usual. There is no room for clinging, anxiety and whining. If you are looking for love and romance, it will certainly be on the immediate horizon.
Money and Finances
The Sun card suggests that finances will improve. Either way, be prepared for the unexpected. If you are awaiting a decision made by others, it will come soon and it will be in your favor.
Health and Well-Being
The warmth of the sun is essential to good health and the Sun card echoes that fact. Your health and well-being will both be at a high point. Now would be the time to take some time off to enjoy life—both physically and mentally. A brief look back may discover that your attitudes have also improved. This positivity works well for the body and mind. You have been doing something right, find out what that is and build upon it!
The Sun card signifies a decisive moment where you see the truth (with a capital "T"). When this moment happens, you will experience tremendous joy, pleasure and satisfaction. Not sure? This is the central message of the Sun card—the truth is out there, you just have to look harder for it, and look in the right places.
The time has come to investigate different spiritual approaches. Try them on, to see which one fits best for you.
Be cautioned with readings showing the Sun card; too much sun, and you could be burned! Balance the "sunny" optimism of the Sun card with a touch of recklessness. Do not get too analytical or philosophical, since the sun also casts heavy shadows that may be difficult to discern in the brightness.