The Sun: Expanding Minds and Limits

Today, and throughout history, the Sun’s a powerful symbol which represents enlightenment, clarity, illumination, accomplishment, vitality and development.
Just as the light bulb spreads illumination when flicked on in a dark room, drawing the Sun Card from the Tarot deck indicates the expansion of your mind and your soon to be realized accomplishments.
The Sun Card, or Sun Arcana, is one of twenty two Major Arcana cards. Major Arcana, literally translated, means “greater secrets.” They are more powerful and universal than the other cards of the Tarot deck.
Sunbeams stream out from a vibrant, happy human face. A smiling, nude child bearing a red flag in its right hand rides upon the back of a white charger without the benefit of saddle or reigns. There are four sunflowers in the background and a solid brick wall.
The personified Sun smiles proudly down upon the happy child like a father watching, radiantly beaming, as the child successfully breaks through, fully renewed and accomplished, into the bright light of day. The sunbeams simultaneously represent the constancy of the Sun and the vibrant universal energy which support the actions of the child.
The child, naked in its innocence, clearly has nothing to hide. He effortlessly rides the white steed which represents purity and great strength. In his right hand the child carries a red or orange banner symbolizing the blood of renewal. The child has no need to control the white stallion because the life force of the Sun steers it to its manifest destiny.
All of these symbols are powerful indicators of finally attaining the strength of character and vitality to overcome major trials and once again stand purified and renewed, assured and successful after a long, difficult journey.
In nature, sunflowers follow the Sun across the southern sky and because of this the four sunflowers of the Sun Arcana indicate that you should continue to follow the light, ever striving for accomplishment, vitality and enlightenment. The four sunflowers also represent the four Minor Arcana.
The brick or block wall in the background is a strong indicator of separation. Walls divide, separating one area from another. Blocks stop flow. Think of the expression, “I hit a brick wall.” You would do well to ruminate on what has been holding you back from the warmth and energy of the Sun until this point.
If you draw this card reversed, there is no need for concern. In this position it sometimes indicates that you are being overly optimistic or unrealistic about a situation. This situation may be temporary and can be overcome with effort and right thinking. Remember, the sun will burn if you do not respect it and proceed wisely.
The Sun Card is never a truly negative card. Indeed, the Sun Card indicates positive break through and the end of a difficult and chaotic period. The Sun is a constant. It will always rise after a dark night of the soul.