The Wide Open World of The Fool

The Fool card carries with it the number zero. That being the case, the key point in your interpretation of the appearance of this card is one of newness. The Fool exists in a world of unlimited potential. The next step in his journey is the first one. Everything is in front of him. He lacks the knowledge that comes with experience, but makes up for it with his innocence, a trait many of us probably wish we could tap back into.
Many times the appearance of this card will signify the beginning of a new journey, be it in love, career, friendship, or something else. The Fool card is generally regarded as a positive one. It is at these new beginnings that potential is at its highest. To keep this potential as high as possible, it is crucial to have faith in yourself. Don't be afraid to place trust in what your heart is telling you!
Because The Fool is at the start of his journey, he brings with him a very positive, passion-fueled energy to his undertakings. Let the excitement of these fresh starts bring you strength. Don't let cynicism or fear keep you from giving the new task at hand the vigor it deserves (and the vigor you long to give it). This is a time to embrace the rush of the unknown. The Fool knows no better, and because of this, is capable of experiences and accomplishments that the tired and jaded can only dream of.
There is however, another side to interpreting the appearance of The Fool card. It's important to not to be excessively careless, even though it may be very tempting. Just because The Fool is without fear, don't allow his presence to become a license to take silly chances. Do, however, let his lack of fear be an inspiration, especially if you find yourself in a situation you find intimidating, or even downright scary. The aforementioned scenario is one of the best times to come upon The Fool card, as he possesses many of the qualities needed to endure such a situation.
The Fool card is considered by many to be one of the more fun cards. New experiences should be just that. Immerse yourself in trying new things. You may be surprised with what fits. The Fool is open to all of it and you should be too. Shed your skin and allow wonder and innocence to guide you. You may be surprised when you remember how good it feels to listen to your heart. Opportunities are all around you; now is the time to make the most of them.
So remember, allow your spirit to roam free and enjoy life. It sounds so simple, but how often do we forget it? Let the experience of a new beginning allow you to get back in touch with the things that make your life worthwhile. The appearance of this card can oftentimes be a harbinger of some of life's most exciting, fulfilling moments. Embrace it. You'd be a fool not to!