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Top Five Worst Tarot Cards

Top Five Worst Tarot Cards

Tarot is a well-respected and ancient practice. Reading your tarot can unlock your future paths and gain insight into your past. Keep in mind—the cards have no reason to lie to you, and sometimes they can reveal things that you necessarily don't want to see. However, remaining open to receiving the good, bad, and ugly in your tarot readings is essential. What may seem negative now will not stay that way forever. Read on to uncover which five tarot cards represent the hardest-to-swallow news and how to interpret their messages positively!

5. Three of Swords

Three's a crowd—this card is very dynamic in its meaning and can be intimidating to encounter in your reading. Featured on this card are three swords displayed next to one another. In your spread, this can represent heartbreak, rejection, or loneliness. In short, this card symbolizes some form of an intense, emotional blow. Now, we know to take the good with the bad, so this card is not the end all be all. But, if anything, the three of swords will help you grow a tougher skin that will prepare you for any of life's tragedies.

4. Five of Pentacles

Toil—when you look at the image featured on the five of pentacles, that may be the first word that comes to mind. The characters are wearing tattered clothes in cold weather, limping slowly forward with a look of pain in their eyes. You could guess what this means: you are in for a very trying, challenging time. Now look, our lives are filled with both peaks and valleys; you cannot have success without failing or making mistakes first. So, view this chapter as a time to prove your strength and perseverance; the rewards await you.

3. The Devil

In popular culture, the devil does not have an amazing reputation. His influence is related to addiction, distraction, debauchery, and more. You can expect a message of crippling dependency or an otherwise negative, distracting force such as fear or anxiety. If you draw this card in your reading, this may mean that you are letting something take hold of you that is preventing any success. Use this as an opportunity to reconnect with your values, dreams, and goals, and do not let anything distract you from a bright and capable future!

2. Ten of Swords

Visually, this card speaks a thousand words. A man is shown lying face-down with ten swords sticking from his back. It is not exactly an image that evokes a positive reaction, so what does it mean? Depending on its location in your spread, this can mean that you suffered, are suffering, or will suffer some unexpected tragedy or disappointment. More specifically, this tragedy or disappointment may be brought upon you by someone you trusted or felt safe with. Don't dwell on this message long; interpret the other cards in your spread and learn how to move on from the situation stronger.

1. The Tower

The image on The Tower might be the most intensely dramatic of the tarot. Objects and bodies are falling from a tower that burst aflame. This ghastly image might sound like it's coming straight from a movie; however, it wants to teach you something when it shows up in your tarot spread. It may seem like your world is falling apart around you, but if nature teaches us anything, it's that the soil is far more fertile after the flames. So, learn to let the old you deconstruct to create a stronger and more capable version of yourself!

While these cards may seem intimidating, they only want what is best for you and your future. Take a deep breath, and access these five cards' wisdom, and you will be reborn within all their silver linings!

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