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What’s a Reversed Card?

What’s a Reversed Card?

In technical terms, a reversed tarot card is simply one which is facing the opposite way, making the image and text on the card upside down. However, what a reversed tarot card means for you is much more complex and open for interpretation. Here is your invitation to learn more about the meaning of reversed tarot cards.

What does a reverse tarot card represent? In essence, there are two different schools of thought within the professional tarot card reading community. As a recipient of a psychic card reading, it is essential to know what this means because it dramatically affects your results.

One group of psychics practices reading reversed cards as the converse, or the polar opposite, of the cards right-side-up meaning. The second group's philosophy on reverse tarot cards is to read them exactly as they would a regular card.

These two belief systems are entirely at odds because they can generate utterly different tarot card reading outcomes. To illustrate this point, let's take a hypothetical look at a specific tarot card called The Lovers when read in each style.

Interpreting Reversed Cards as Regular Ones

Imagine you are getting a card reading, and The Lovers card is getting turned over. Instead of The Lovers having their feet closest to you, their heads face in your direction. Essentially, besides being picture-side-up, the psychic ignores the direction the card is facing and proceeds with reading the card as usual with The Lovers representing blossoming adoration, rekindling intimacy, or gains in romance and passion.

Reading Reversed Cards as The Opposite

Now, picture your psychic performing a routine card reading, and The Lovers card is dealt. However, this time it is reversed with the head towards you. The feet of The Lovers are closest to the psychic. This time, the significance of this card is suddenly thrown into reverse. In this instance, The Lovers signify lover's quarrels, a disharmonious relationship, separation, and problems in the romance department.

As you can see, how a psychic chooses to handle reversed cards can greatly impact your results. Since you now know much more about psychics' two preferences regarding reversed tarot cards, you can make a more educated decision regarding how you want your trusted psychic advisor to handle reading your reversed tarot card. If you are trying out a new psychic and you have a strong preference for one method or another, ask them ahead of time how they handle reversed tarot cards.

To conclude, one card reader's faction reads reversed cards as the antonym of their original meaning. The other group of psychics feels this is unnecessary and reads them like regular ones. Both methods are acceptable and viable means of helping you achieve more information and outstanding insight. However, if you prefer one approach above another, research tarot card readers to find one that fits the reverse reading style you favor.

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