Energy and Psychic Vampires

Not all predators of people have bloodlust and wear capes. As spooky as it may seem, there may be human-like vampires who instead feed off your very essence, being, or soul. Defend the depletion of your psychic energy by finding out more about energy vampires and psychic vampires.
Akin to other vampires, psychic vampires undergo scrutiny by skeptics, and their existence deemed as rumor, legend, or folklore. Psychic vampires as mythical creatures who use their psionic powers to absorb energy from and manipulate others even spilled into the comic book world with a popular series published in the 1980s.
Nevertheless, those who are unfortunate enough to have met one or seen or felt its depleting abilities firsthand say psychic vampires are not a figment of fantasy. Fascinating real-life accounts reveal a laundry list of symptoms ranging from unpleasant to downright debilitating like melancholia, lethargy, migraine headaches, or vertigo.
The feeding techniques of psychic vampires have three main categories. The most common form of energy consumption occurs through eyesight. Make a mental note of anyone in a crowd who seems to look into your very soul and be wary.
Most easily, avoidable is the second means they use to suck energy from people. Touching. Social contact such as hugs, high fives, and handshakes are all potential ways a psychic vampire can eat a tasty morsel of human energy.
The least known, but equally sinister, form of altering human energy does not require the vampire to be in the same vicinity or location as the mark. Called tendril feeding, a vine of invisible psychic energy connects the host and prey over vast distances. In rare cases, tendril feeders change the memories of the human to comply with their own needs.
Whether you refer to them as energy vampires or psychic vampires or if you believe in them or not, one thing is sure; the prospect of being prey to one is terrifying. Is a creature whose cloak takes the form of an ordinary human being stalking you as a potential victim?
You can protect yourself by practicing self-awareness around others. Be mindful of your energy levels before, during, and after you interact with them. This practice is particularly important if it is one-on-one, you participated in physical contact, or if you were asleep at any point while together.
However, try to avoid snap judgments as someone may be a negative, conniving, creepy, or draining force in your life without being an energy vampire. Stay more secure by knowing what to look out for, paying close attention to the signs while calmly and rationally calculating risk.
If you suspect you are the target of a psychic vampire, steer clear of being unnecessarily vulnerable. Precautionary steps are avoiding touching, taking notes of significant life events for accuracy, and realistically assessing danger. Ask yourself questions like are they staring at you a little too intensely? Employ these techniques, and you can drastically reduce the likelihood of a psionic attack.