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Unexplained Phenomena Articles

Gravity and Human Behavior

Gravity and Human Behavior

While astrology is accepted amongst millions, many skeptics dismiss it as being without any scientific merit. Thousands of years of practical use does not make any concept a truth and some just accept astrology as unexplained phenomena, whereas others are drawn in through scientific thought.

Let’s ponder the water factor. H2O is of the utmost importance in every single living thing on earth. Some organisms are comprised of about 90% water weight and at time of birth, human babies are made up of nearly 78% water. Adult humans are around 60% water and specific organs have their own percentages as well: the brain at 70%, lungs 90%, lean muscle tissue 75%, bones 22% and blood is about 83% water. We cannot live without water and we process it quickly so it must be replaced or we slowly deteriorate and die.

The apple that supposedly fell on Sir Isaac Newton’s head contained about 80% water, but also was the main facilitator in him coming up with the Universal Law of Gravitation. Gravity is invisible, but we humans have accepted it as “law.” Part of that law insists that gravitational pull is real factor in our lives, not just with tree fruit, but also all the way into the cosmos where the moon and planets dwell.

The alternating rise and fall of sea level to land, or tides, is completely tied to gravitational pull of the moon and sun respectively. The Earth and the moon are incredibly attracted to each other in the same way magnets are. The moon attempts to pull everything on Earth closer, but Earth is clingy to everything but water. That it will be a little loose with. Water is in constant movement so the moon is able to give it a yank here and there. Sea levels fluctuate every day as the sun, moon and Earth interact. When the sun and moon are not aligned with one another, gravitational forces on earth’s water becomes less dramatic. Scientists call these “Neap” tides.

So if the sun and moon are doing the gravity dance with Earth’s bodies of water, one must concede that the human body’s water content must figure into that scenario somehow. Lunar waxing and waning, sunrise and seasons affect the many cycles contained in the human body, whether menstrual or endocrine.

Climatology research regarding the full moon’s effects on human behavior were done in tandem with police reports and evidence supported a correlation between the full moon and a drastic rise in psychotic types of crime, especially murder. Studies have been done with time periods of over a decade to match the incidences of homicide with the full moon on separate occasions and all showed an undisputed connection showing the two were destined to be together.

With scientific laws and studies done by the “Law”, one must ponder if the unexplained is now explainable. Undoubtedly, the sun, moon and Earth do affect each other, just as they affect us.

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