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Mysterious Creatures of the Sea

Mysterious Creatures of the Sea

The ocean is home to a vast ecological system and its uncharted depths hide mysteries that inspire our imaginations and haunt our dreams. From the alluring song of a siren and the life-saving breath of a mermaid to the destructive tentacles of a kraken, the deep blue sea is home to many mysterious creatures that appear in myths and legends throughout history.

Not only do many of the mystery creatures of the deep abound in artwork and legends spanning the globe, they are also referenced in the log books and first-hand accounts from many of the most explorers in the world, including Christopher Columbus. While many of the mysterious creatures of the sea are characters in books or movies, there are still enough sightings to make you wonder exactly what creatures make their home in the unexplored oceans.


This mythological creature has the body of a woman and the tail of a fish instead of legs. They live in sea kingdoms in oceans all around the world and live on a diet of fish. Sightings have been reported all over the world throughout all time periods, however, no one has ever found a fossil or physical proof of a mermaid. In addition to Christopher Columbus’s mermaid sighting, John Smith saw a mermaid off of the coast of Massachusetts in 1614.


Unlike mermaids who inhabit the depths of the oceans, sirens are beautiful creatures that live on or near rocky shores. They are believed to use their natural beauty and enchanting voices to lure sailors to their untimely and violent deaths. The sirens use their songs to bewitch the sailors and the reason that there is no proof of sirens is that no man who has heard the siren’s song has lived to tell the tale.


Found in legends spanning from Scotland to Ireland and as far away as Iceland, selkies are creatures that have the body of a seal in the water and shed it for their human form on land. Selkies can be male or female and are known for their beauty. Male selkies will tempt unhappy human women who shed seven tears in the sea, while female selkies are known for being good wives until they find their seal skin and return home to their ocean home.


Beware the dangerous kraken, the fearsome creature that can crush ships and swallow men whole. This sea monster lives off the coasts of Norway and Greenland and appears in legends dating back to the 14th century. Most depictions of kraken show a giant octopus-like animal that has sharp hooks on his tentacles. Some legends say that some krakens are so large that they are mistaken for islands and leave deadly whirlpools in their wakes.

While these creatures are often called mythical, their appearance in historical documents that span cultures makes you wonder what truth is behind the story and why do these legendary creatures continue to inspire in modern times. Think of that the next time you frolic in the shallow waters of the ocean or venture out on the open sea. Be sure to keep your eyes open to the mysteries of the deep blue sea and you might be the next to spot one of these mythical creatures.

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