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Unexplained Phenomena Articles

Natural Infrasound

Natural Infrasound

It is well known that there are high frequencies of sound that the human ear can’t process, yet animals can. Amazingly, did you know that the sounds lower than our hearing spectrum can affect us in many strange ways?

Infrasound is the bottom end of sound residing in frequencies lower than 20 Hertz, which is the boundary of the normal human hearing range. However, ears aren’t our only receptors as far as being able to sense Infrasound. Infrasound at its higher levels can cause vibrations that other parts of our bodies can not only perceive, but can be affected by as well. Certain studies showed that when humans are exposed to Infrasound, it can produce depression, anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations as well the perception that supernatural encounters are occurring at that time.

Other studies done by paranormal researchers conclude that activity associated with paranormal happenings is often documented when frequencies at 19 Hertz are involved. Speculation brings into question the possibility that Infrasound could be a catalyst in disrupting visual perception, thus rendering the supernatural claims null and void. Some believe that Infrasound creates the illusion of ghosts. If the vibrations are strong enough, the Infrasound can induce vibrations in inanimate objects causing them to move unaided by human help. Even glass can shatter as a result of Infrasound exposure.

Some whales are capable of confusing and rendering their prey immobile by using focused Infrasound frequencies. Elephants communicate using Infrasound with each other in distances up to 10 miles apart. Until the technology used to detect Infrasound was in use, many thought elephants communicated with telepathy.

Volcanic explosions, much like atomic weaponry, produce infrasonic waves that can shatter windows 1,000 miles away. Earthquakes, waterfalls, tidal waves, solar flares and winds, hurricanes and thunderstorms are also sources of natural infrasound.

Humans have even created their own Infrasound sources like various engines and vehicles, water pumps and even ceiling fans. Pilots exposed to engine infrasound have been noted to experience cognitive, visual and speech problems. Scientists that were merely studying infrasound found their exposure induced panic attacks and occasional hallucinatory experiences. There are even folks that get panic attacks from being in traffic next to a car with supremely low frequency bass booming in it. They claim that it feels like the booming starts to beat their hearts for them, intensifying the feeling of being “out of control,” which exacerbates the anxiety to a full on attack.

Even though infrasonic vibrations are thought to be mostly harmful, they can also have a somewhat positive stimulating effect at mild levels. It releases endorphins in the body causing a feeling of invigoration and euphoria and can actually become addictive. Unfortunately, scary people like Hitler were apprised of the destructive uses of Infrasound and it was noted that he was exploring the use of it for psychological warfare purposes.

The human physical reaction to infrasound is still being widely explored. It’s completely legal to expose others to low frequencies at this time, but the unknown long-term effects have yet to be determined.

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