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Unexplained Phenomena Articles

Phenomena that Defies Explanation

Phenomena that Defies Explanation

Humanity has come a long way since believing that lightning was the work of irate gods. Science has enlightened us to many natural events, but certainly not all of them. There are occurrences, some even recognized by science, which even the brightest geniuses cannot explain.

Time Slips

Some people say they have proof of Time Slips—prehistoric footprints of dinosaurs and humans that exist in the same piece of rock.

Sedimentary rock produces most dinosaur footprints, created when an animal leaves an impression in heavy clay or mud. The imprint fills with other stuff while keeping its shape. Over eons, more material forms layers, and the impression hardens into rock. After millions of years, erosion or excavation brings dinosaur footprints to the surface.

In some areas where fossilized footprints are visible, there are also sets of human footprints. This goes against the popular belief that humans evolved millions of years after dinosaurs roamed the earth. The most famous of this human/dinosaur “Time Slips” is at the Paluxy location near Glen Rose, in central Texas.

Traditional paleontologists refuse to carry out a thorough study of the sites. They claim these fossil-trace footprints are impossible. However, no one can otherwise explain this extraordinary evidence of the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs.

Vanishing People

There have been several reported incidents of individuals vanishing, without an apparent cause, reason or explanation.

One of the most famous vanishing events is the Picnic at Hanging Rock, a beautiful and eerie place located outside of Melbourne, Australia.

On Valentine’s Day in 1900, a group of girls from a local private school visited Hanging Rock for a picnic. It was an incredibly hot day, and the girls spent the afternoon resting in the shade of the monolithic rock. That afternoon, four of the girls mysteriously disappeared.

One girl returned later, screaming hysterically about the rock. She said a red mist overcame her and the other girls while they were walking at the top of the rock. Their French teacher was also missing.

Searching the area found no evidence of the girls, although they recovered another girl a few days later. There was no sign of abduction or foul play. The teacher and two girls remain missing to this day.

This strange occurrence became a popular novel in the 1960s as well as a film released in 1975. In fact, you can still visit Hanging Rock and Macedon. Sightings of lights and strange beings are numerous, and locals warn visitors to get off the rock by nightfall.


Most people experience a kind of hyper-perception at one time or another. Frequently, it occurs when an individual visits a place they have never seen before, when a strong sense of familiarity washes over them.

This is different from ordinary Déjà Vu, which is a momentary feeling that soon passes. Hyper-perception is a sustained perception of things that the person could not possibly know. Instead of being brief, the feeling gets stronger the longer the person remains in place.

Hyper-perception is a beneficial element of a highly creative thinker. Often these people are intuitive and attentive and appear to possess psychic powers. They are adept at reading body language and picking up subtle behavioral cues, which most people send unconsciously.

However, psychologists cannot explain the origin of hyper-perception. Researchers say hyper-perception is an extreme form of the unique and inherent social radar most people possess.

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