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Unexplained Phenomena Articles

Poltergeists Explained – Exploring the Mystery

Poltergeists Explained – Exploring the Mystery

Do you ever feel as though you are being haunted and tormented by an evil spirit? Did anyone pass on from your life that had hateful feelings and resentments towards you? Do you sense a dark entity around you? If you said “yes” to any of those questions, you might be dealing with an angry unsettled poltergeist.

There are few more terrifying phenomena in the supernatural world than the “Poltergeist”. It is frightening enough to think that the spirits of the dead linger and remain with us, unable or unwilling to make the journey to the next plane of existence. But to think that some of these beings might not only bear us ill will, but may also have the power to cause real-world disturbances, and even bring harm to us or those we love, is a notion beyond terror.

What Are Poltergeists?

The word “Poltergeist” is from the German language, meaning “noisy ghost.” This is due to the most common manifestation attributed to them, which is noise. Creaks and groans from within a house, banging pots and windows, as well as strange noises from underground, have all traditionally been associated with the poltergeist. In more severe cases, the movement of objects from one place to another, and damage to a house or things within it, have also been laid at the poltergeist’s door. In the most serious cases, people have claimed to have been bitten, struck, pinched or scratched by these malevolent beings, and have often been able to show marks and wounds that correspond to their claims.

Perhaps even more disquieting in regards to poltergeists is that they are noted for becoming attached to one person or family, instead of a house or structure, as is observed in more traditional hauntings. In ghost lore, a poltergeist may follow its victim from place to place, never allowing them to rest or be at peace. Made famous by a number of movies aptly named for the phenomenon, the poltergeist has become engrained in our culture as the most fearsome of ghosts.

What Do You Believe?

What do you believe these dark apparitions are after? Do you believe that there are spiteful spirits out there with a bone to pick with the living? Many believers in the poltergeist phenomenon will say that these upset spirits are lingering around for some form of revenge or payback.

Accounts of poltergeist activity date back to at least the 1st Century, and everything from gusts of wind, flickering lights, old water pipes and loud creaks to earthquakes and high pitched screams have been blamed on the poltergeist. This makes the mystery of the poltergeist quite an eerie one. If you believe you have a poltergeist attached to you, you might need the help of a friendly psychic advisor to figure out why this apparition has chosen to haunt you and follow you through life.

The poltergeist does represent one of the most fascinating case studies in the realm of ghost study and paranormal activity. As a popular phenomenon that has not been proven or disproven, the mystery of the poltergeist will likely continue to haunt our thoughts for years to come.

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