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Unexplained Phenomena Articles

The Diverse World of Spirits

The Diverse World of Spirits

Just as the human world is vast and filled with a diverse range of people and animals, a diverse range of beings inhabit the paranormal world. These beings are made of energy and have specific purposes and intentions for trying to communicate with the living world. It’s important to learn the many distinctions between the types of beings to aid you in understanding why you are encountering the energy and what you can do to help.

When you begin to study the differences between spirits, ghosts and other paranormal beings, it helps to understand that the paranormal world is not off in a different time and place. It can exist right here on this plane, but on different planes that are tuned into a separate vibrational frequency or level of consciousness. These different spiritual planes are home to various beings and may intersect with our human world in surprising ways.

Glossary of Paranormal Beings

Ghosts—Ghosts are energy from people who have died that have not fully crossed over to the spirit realm. There are many reasons that these beings have not crossed to the spirit world. Some ghosts may not be aware that they died, while others may feel that they have unfinished business and are trying to find peace on Earth before moving on. Oftentimes ghosts will keep personality characteristics from their lives and so the ghost of your loving grandmother may be a reassuring presence while a vengeful ghost that died from violent causes may be an upsetting presence.

Ghostly Objects—In addition to ghostly people and animals, there are such things as ghost ships or other object. Most of the time these ghostly objects were the scene of violence and untimely death.

Spirits—This is a general category of beings used to describe energetic beings that exist on spiritual planes. Angels, demons and other spiritual beings are all classified as spirits, as are the souls of people who have crossed over and no longer have ties to the human world.

Angels—Angelic beings are agents of the Divine and tasked with protecting and guiding our Earthly journey. You are able to strengthen your relationship with the angels who protect you by asking for their protection and showing gratitude for their assistance. You are sure to notice a difference in your everyday life if you take the time to strengthen communication between you and your angel.

Demons—Demons are the dark side to angels. They are the dark to the angels’ light and are deceptive tricksters who serve to confuse and harm humans. These dark beings of energy can attach to people, places and objects. The difficult thing when dealing with demons is that they are very intelligent and will change forms to best suit their purposes.

With such an extensive range of paranormal beings, it is very likely that you have had an encounter with a ghost or other type of spirit. Taking the time to learn about the differences will help you keep the fear at bay so you can effectively communicate the next paranormal being that you meet in your life.

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