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Top Five Cases of Children Recalling Past Lives

Top Five Cases of Children Recalling Past Lives

A child's first words make up some of our most cherished memories. However, parents don't prepare for the possibility that their child can recall eerie details from a previous life. Many children ages 2-5 often recall traumatic events when they were—someone else. Experts suggest that we all experience past lives; however, a child is more likely to remember them if they died tragically, violently, or young. By their sixth or seventh birthday, these memories lose their vibrancy as they transition more fully into their current life. Read on to uncover the top five cases of children's past lives that will have you hoping your child isn't too talkative!

5. The Boy with a Sore Throat

A four-year-old boy was like your average kid until he started referring to his constant sore throat as his “shot.” His mother thought nothing of it, thinking it was a common mistake as he learned new vocabulary. Eventually, she took her son's complaints seriously, and the boy had his tonsils taken out. Shortly after, he soon developed an unexplained cyst on his throat. Then, the story gets strange. The boy started talking in more detail about his previous life as an 18-year-old WWI soldier. Then, in grisly specifics, he explained that while walking with his fellow soldiers, he heard a shot coming from behind them, and that is when he felt his throat fill with blood.

4. The Boy Who Remembers His Past Life as His Own Grandfather

Were you once your own grandmother or grandfather? In this boy's case, that is exactly who he says he is. Tragically the boy's grandfather died after suffering six gunshot wounds that punctured his lung and heart. The boy was born five years later with minor heart and lung complications strangely similar to the location of his grandfather's wounds. As the boy grew up, he proclaimed he was his mother's father. At first, his mother thought it was his wild imagination. However, she had to take his claim more seriously when he recalled her childhood pet's names with stunning accuracy. The boy explained that when he died, he went to heaven on a Thursday and was reborn on a Tuesday—which miraculously lines up!

3. The Girl Who Convinced Mahatma Gandhi She Was Reincarnated

Imagine your child claiming their home is not their real home, and you are not their real parents. One Indian girl recalled painstakingly accurate details from her past life as a young child. Names of places, descriptions of her former husband, and details of her untimely death just ten days after giving birth to a son all checked out. After reuniting with her former family, she continued to discuss events only the woman would have known, including former medical procedures. Her case was so famous that it was studied as proof of reincarnation and was even believed by top religious figures of the time.

2. The Boy Who Remembers His Past Life as an Army Pilot

What began as innocent nightmares became an elaborate retelling of this young boy's previous life as an American WWII fighter pilot. At two years old, his parents were alarmed by the horrifying information coming from their son. As the details of his past life came to light more frequently, the young boy could draw the plane, provide the first and last names of several men on the crew, and give the precise location of the crash. These details were all proven as fact and linked up with the tragic death of a fighter pilot of the same first name!

1. The Boy Who Solved His Own Murder

Some say that birthmarks are related to past life injuries. A 3-year-old Syrian boy's red birthmark on his forehead was the exact location of a fatal wound from a past life. The boy recalled his former birthplace, manner of death, and the full name of his murderer. Elders followed the boy's claims to a grave and unearthed a man's remains and an ax. When authorities confronted the alleged murderer, he initially denied being involved. However, as the evidence mounted against him, he eventually confessed.

Children say the darndest things — I'd listen carefully; it might be the details from a past life!

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