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Unexplained Phenomena Articles

Top Haunted Hospitals

Top Haunted Hospitals

The world of medicine has seen its fair share of change over the last few centuries, and its transformation was unfortunately not victimless. As a result, hospitals, asylums, and sanitariums played host to some of history's darkest spots, whether it be war, epidemics, or a rudimentary understanding of complex mental health disorders. Luckily, the top haunted hospitals below are long passed their operation date; however, many of their past patients remain. Read on to find out why.

3. Pennhurst Asylum, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Pennhurst Asylum originated with a very noble mission—to care for and house the needy, the sick, and anyone who had nowhere else to turn. The property was so elaborate that it had its own farm and other amenities to deem it entirely self-sufficient. Unfortunately, over the years, with a lack of funding and overcrowding, the asylum began to fall apart at the seams. Those that suffered the most were the disabled and mentally ill. Regardless of the negligence and horrific conditions, the hospital remained open until 1987.

Ghost hunters and other curious minds that visit the now-abandoned grounds report endless intelligent responses captured on audio equipment. Spirits communicate phrases such as, “Go away,” “Why did you come here,” and “I'm scared.” Unfortunately, it seems like most of the spirits trapped at Pennhurst still suffer in the afterlife.

2. Rolling Hills Asylum, Bethany, NY

Poorhouses were popular during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These institutions housed and cared for the poor, sick, and needy. Despite housing the downtrodden, poorhouses were not known for being completely benevolent. Those staying at Rolling Hills Asylum were referred to as “inmates” and not merely human beings. Many of those needing their services suffered from complex mental disorders and addictions. Rolling Hills was notorious for its poor sanitary conditions and for performing lobotomies and electric shock therapy to patients needing specialized care.

Those brave enough to tour the asylum report a horrifying ghost with an equally terrifying real-life story. Roy, a seven-foot-tall apparition, didn't gain inches after death—he was also 7 feet tall in life, towering over everyone around him. Guests of the asylum today report seeing his ghastly figure in the corner of his former room crying.

1. Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Louisville, Kentucky

During the first years of the 20th century, the world was swept by a deadly and overwhelming tuberculosis epidemic. The state of medical emergency led to the overtaxing of many hospitals, clinics, and sanitariums of the time. Waverly Hills Sanitarium was constructed with only 40 to 50 beds; by 1926, the actual capacity had increased tenfold. Overcrowding led to horrific conditions for patients and staff alike. Along with overpopulation, many disastrous and terrible treatments took place within the walls of Waverly Hills. Patients were subject to the complete removal of muscle and bone and the transplant of balloons to increase room for the lungs. When these surgeries didn't work, as they often wouldn't, a 500-foot concrete “body chute” was built to swiftly dispose of bodies away from the eyes of other patients.

Those who take guided tours discuss ghastly voices, cold spots, and apparitions of nurses that still go about their daily duties.

If you are curious about visiting any of these haunted hospitals, beware! The spirits there haven't been discharged!

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