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Top Serial Murderers

Top Serial Murderers

Death is one of the greatest mysteries of life. What makes death even more menacing is the fact that we are capable of bringing it upon one another. Throughout human history, there have been countless evil murderers that brought immense suffering to their victims in unthinkable ways. Travel to the depths of the human psyche and read on about the top serial murderers of all time!

Countess Elizabeth Báthory

Vampires? Murderous aristocrats? The crimes of Countess Elizabeth Báthory seem like the plot for a terrifying horror movie. A noblewoman from Hungary, she was convicted of killing and torturing over 600 female orphans and pheasants during her reign of terror. She did not act alone; however, four of her closest advisors and servants aided her in her crimes. The unimaginable suffering went undetected for years due to society's view of the poor at the time in 1600s Europe. It is said that she bathed in the blood of her victims to retain her youth and beauty.

Jack the Ripper

With over 100 possible suspects, Jack the Ripper is responsible for the world's most notorious killing spree of all time. Still unsolved, this group of murders occurred in one of London's most impoverished districts in 1888. The medical preciseness of the injuries on his victims led many to believe that the Ripper was educated and perhaps was a part of high society. Due to his potential high status, it would have been easy for him to escape attention. However, without proper DNA research during the times of the crimes, we may never know for sure who brutally murdered five women in one of the most famous crimes in history.

H. H. Holmes

Heralded as one of the first serial killers in the United States, H.H. Holmes crimes were inconceivable. Opening a hotel in Chicago during the World's Fair in 1893, Holmes had a successful facade for luring his over 200 suspected victims that never checked out. In addition to being a cold-blooded killer, Holmes was known to orchestrate elaborate insurance schemes to cash in on hefty policies. His skills as a swindler were successful when flying under the radar as his body count climbed to nightmarish heights.

The Green River Killer

Murdering up to one hundred women for over 15 years, the Green River Killer confessed that he “lost count” of the number of his victims. In the same confession, he boasted about his effortless ability to choke his victims to their untimely deaths. Not as notorious as some high-profile serial killers, the police sought guidance from other captured serial killers in their desperate search to find this menacing, ruthless killer that went undetected for over a decade.

Ted Bundy

He was handsome, successful, and a cold-blooded murderer. Ted Bundy represents the cautionary tale that we should never judge a book by its cover. Seemingly living a double life as a highly respected member of society, Ted Bundy took the lives of over 35 women in brutal and unimaginable ways. Unfortunately, the chase to apprehend Bundy included two highly public prison breakouts that proved the ruthless nature of this killer that needed to keep killing. After his execution, many could finally feel entirely safe from the threat of his merciless rage.

Humans are capable of beauty and terror. The spectrum of human possibilities will continue to impress and horrify.

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