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Daily Horoscope



December 22 - January 19

  • Ruling Planet: Saturn
  • Element: Earth
  • Color: Indigo
  • Stone: Garnet

Fri, 3/14

While your love life hasn't been exceptionally exciting lately, today that could all change! You will experience a strong intellectual connection with someone who everyone thinks is a great candidate for a romance with you. If you are single and interested, there could be a golden opportunity to get closer to them in a major way. But if you are attached, use this spark of energy to inject new life into your current relationship. They'll remind you how vibrant you are.

Week of Mon, 3/10 to Sun, 3/16

You and you-know-who have been doing smashingly well lately, but something comes up on Monday that throws a wrench into things. Or at least a small nail. Deal with it right away to minimize any molehill-into-mountain action. Tuesday through Thursday, your emotions are all over the place, but Friday is a day of stability, confidence and luck. Same for Saturday; the only serious risk you run is one of putting your foot in your mouth. On Sunday, a friend asks you to be in charge of something.

Your Lucky Numbers for Today are:

14 27 40 51 57 59

Your Lucky Numbers for the Week of Mon, 3/10 to Sun, 3/16

7 14 27 41 43 50

Today's Feelings

How's your day going? Scale of 1 to 5, 5 being best.







Today's Compatible Sign for Friendship


Today's Compatible Sign for Love

Lunar Sign


Lunar Sign:

The planet Mercury rules over both Virgo and Gemini. While the Moon is in Virgo, intellectual pursuits are called for, but those adept in detail-oriented tasks will hold sway over those with an aptitude for creativity. Now is a good time for taking care of any matter which requires painstaking attention. With the Moon passing through Virgo, people may become shy and retiring, and will tend to be discriminating, judgmental, and even overly critical at times. These influences lead to a concern about food and health, and many will feel the urge to clean up their homes at this time. Virgo rules the intestines and the powers of assimilation.

Lunar Phase

Full Moon

Lunar Phase:
Full Moon

Suddenly, you get out of your own way, and gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you truly want is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Commonly, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you "see" what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the "same ole, same ole" -- rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it's time to dream big, and take creative action to realize those dreams.

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