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Opens lines of communication to the spiritual world.
  • Experience: 20 yrs.
  • AskNow Since: 2024
  • Total Readings: 21
  • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  • Languages: English
  • Categories:
  • Careers & Goals
  • Love & Relationships
  • Money & Finance
  • Past Lives
  • Spiritual Guides
  • Credentials:
  • Interpretive Guidance to find perfect mate, Gift of Prophesy using Spirit Guides, Exceptional Career Path Forecasting, Elevating ESP to Embrace Lasting Love, Teaching the Gift of Law of Attraction

Maren is by nature a sprite, a double Gemini (Sun and Rising Sign are both Gemini), and sensitive to visions and spirit voices, who direct her path in order to help you find yours. Her gifts are vast and she has been known to help people who are struggling to find answers. "I have a strong sense of what people in relationships are thinking and feeling. Sometimes these relationships are on the edge of being broken and they just need someone to talk to and to get advice from, who have extra sensory gifts of interpretation and include spirit guides. Are you ready to hear about what your future holds; the guidance I can offer you? Ready to find the happiness you deserve?"

Many times, I am able to see spirits, who have passed on and I can describe how they appear to me now. For example, recently I was able to help a client who was grieving over a stillborn child she had had over 35 years ago. The client told me nothing about this child. She didn't share the name she gave it at burial, no hair color, no details surrounding just why the death occurred. Through my skills as a visionary, I was able to see the child, not as a stillborn, but as an adult. I could describe with details of how her son looks now, how he is dressed, his hair color and style, what name he is using on the other side, and other intricacies that might be important. I was able to pass this knowledge on and it gave this desperate Mother a sense of comfort. On another occasion, I was able to assure a client that I was seeing her mother in the room with us, while we were having a private session. I was able to describe what she was wearing. She appeared to me in vivid color. I was able to point out specific details that only my client would be able to confirm. Her mother had been deceased for at least 30 years and my vision was revealing this woman, not at the age she died, but her age much younger at around forty. This knowledge brought comfort to my client. She wanted to know if her mother was comfortable and if her mother was not only present in the room now, but has she been watching her for years from the other side. There are always a lot of questions and sometimes hearing what I am seeing brings great joy and relaxation, knowing that the deceased family member is okay. Sometimes, I am given confirmation using photographs. I know if the person is in the room while I am with the client, because the loved one appears to me in color. If the deceased passed away before color photography was available, I can console my client that the loved one is appearing to me in color now, acknowledging the person is here with us.

September 2024
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Mon., Sep. 16, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Available