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Dive into your destiny with direct answers.
  • Experience: 25 yrs.
  • AskNow Since: 2024
  • Total Readings: 10
  • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  • Languages: English
  • Categories:
  • Careers & Goals
  • Love & Relationships
  • Money & Finance
  • Spiritual Guides
  • Tarot Readers
  • Credentials:
  • Masters of Science in Forensic Psychology, Bachelors of Arts in Philosophy, Certificate of Professionalism in Psychic Reading

Hello! My name is Psychic Reader Tasha and I have been a Tarot reader since the 1990s when I was in high school. I have been reading Tarot both informally and professionally for over 25 years. I use intuition and my clairvoyance and clairsentience to evaluate situations and predict most probable outcomes.

While Tarot cannot predict our futures, per se, it can guide us along our individual paths towards our highest good. Many questions can be answered with Tarot including (but not limited to) those regarding family, friends, romantic partners, job outcomes, and money matters.

My educational background includes a Bachelor???s degree in Philosophy and a Master???s degree in Forensic Psychology. My Tarot knowledge is extensive as I have been working with this medium for two-and-a-half decades.

I pride myself on being honest, but never cruel, and helping you gain perspective on your situation by engaging you in conversation with your higher self, Spirit, and your own personal spirit guides. I ask pointed question that help you understand your situation from a spiritual standpoint and hopefully give you the insight and perspective you need to gain clarity and peace. Remember our future is in our hands, and Tarot helps us get a better handle on it so we can steer ourselves towards success!

I wish you all the best in every situation and for all time!

September 2024
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Sat., Sep. 28, 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Available