Psychic Spotlights
Psychic Tree

Reaching Out to Heaven with Tree
Explore the other side with Psychic Tree. Her powerful gifts are your connection to Heaven. With her natural abilities and scientific evidence, you won't be left with any questions or doubts.
"It's like we have a phone line into heaven and basically what I do is I try to connect us to that phone line. And "tree" itself means a communicator. So as it is in Heaven it's also on Earth. And that is what I am. I am the go-between for Heaven and Earth for communication. I'm a translator."
Spell casting is one of the biggest ones. Spirit communication and talking with the deceased. Healing, which falls into spell casting, so I'd say spell casting and talking with the deceased. Another one of my gifts is paranormal research.
I guess you could say I was called. What I mean by that is when I was very young I witnessed my first paranormal experience. I have also predicted, at the age of 16, my grandmother passing away. It was very odd, because leaving a 16 year old at home, my father trusted me, which was very unusual. My dad even said to me "Tree, nothing is wrong with Grandma". I even packed him a suit and everything to get ready for a funeral. Sure enough, he was up there for about a week and then when he was about to come home is when Grandma passed and he thanked me. That's when I realized that I have a connection of predicting death. I have a connection to talking to the other side and people that I have missed and loved and even people I don't know will reach out and talk to me. The gifts are very comforting because I'm the type of person who misses my family. It's beautiful to know that I can share that same information for other people too. It's like we have a phone line into heaven and basically what I do is try to connect us to that phone line. And "tree" itself means a communicator. So as it is in Heaven it's also on Earth. That is what I am. I am the go-between for Heaven and Earth for communication. I'm a translator.
A lot of people will use spirit guides and things like that to get information. For me, I'm basically dealing with angels. If you say you're clairvoyant, where are you getting your clairvoyance from? In my personal opinion, all of us have some connection to the other side, even you. We're all clairvoyant. The only thing we have to do is figure out where it's coming from and how to tune in.
When you walk into my living room, that's where I work. My whole living room looks like an enchanted forest. Every single wall has murals of the forest from ceiling to floor. What I also have is a little paranormal office unit while I'm talking to people. I have a ghost-spirit box that I call my friend's telephone. They don't like it when they say ghost-spirit box that term kind of offends them. I also have a K2-EMF detector to where if something is coming closer to me physically I can pick it up that way. I'm getting an infrared camera to have that going too while I'm on the phone.
When you get into magick and spirit contact, you want to make sure you're not an idiot, I want to have evidence too. I want to know what I saw and heard got picked up somehow. I also have a paranormal detector that runs and sense vibrations in the room. That will actually come up when I'm doing readings.
Not too long ago, just last month, the name Martha came up. I was talking to the young lady and we were talking about her mom. I am one of those psychics that it's very hard for me to get names. I'll get scenarios, stories and everything. But the name Martha came up and I asked if the name Martha meant anything to her and she said yes, it was her mother's name. The K2 meter went off showing me that her presence was in the room. I try to use as many tools as I can to make sure I'm getting the most exact information for them in a scientific way.
You're asking me about the guardian angel communication, that is who I believe has been guarding me. We each have one. It's just a given. We are assigned a guardian angel before our spirit leaves the Creator. What's wonderful about it is that it is basically what I'm using. I'm using the power of my guardian angel and other angels besides my guardian angel. I'm actually using the archangels. Before I even get on the phone with AskNow, I make sure I put myself in a magickal spot. I actually build a magickal circle and this circle is protected to where nothing evil or harmful can get to me or the person on the other end of the phone that I'm trying to help. This way I'm guaranteed the best advice by building a sacred space. Whenever I do a reading I don't just go out there and start doing a reading or giving advice, unless I'm on stage and within my circle so that way everyone else can monitor what's going on. What I mean by everyone is all the angels, guardian angels the whole works to get that best answer for the person.
Absolutely. Unfortunately I can't really get into that because it's a sacred matter. What I can say is that I build a magical circle. It is formed using all of the archangels, including my guardian angel. What I notice is that my guardian angel a lot of the times will connect with the other person's guardian angel. When they connect that's when I get messages and the messages come through other angels and it's translated to me then I translate it to the person I'm trying to help. So it's like a big pipeline, but all dealing with angels.
It has to deal with the actual order that I belong to. Because I belong to that special order, I have a very big army behind me that would surprise you—a worldwide army. What I mean by that is I belong to a very huge network. We all tap in together, we all meditate together, we all build our circles and we all study together. This is what keeps me going. Magick is not something that I just turn on for a few hours. It's actually me. I am a part of magick. I can't tell you that I prepare because every minute that I'm awake, every minute that I'm asleep, I'm part of that magickal order.
I was in my bedroom and I was laying down. All of the sudden something appeared and it actually looked like it was in human form. I saw it in great detail. It looked like he was wearing a soldier uniform with a red coat. He had red hair. He looked at me, took his hat off and bowed to me. He was very nice. He bowed to me and smiled. I screamed bloody murder and he looked at me and vanished. So that was my first experience. He was very polite, very nice and I scared him away. To this day, I kind of regret that, but hopefully he'll make another appearance to me one day and I can make it up to him.
The only time I got scared was the first time I saw a ghost. After that one it was very easy. It was like my guardian angel was giving me peace and allowing me to figure this out on my own.
When I vocally made my first prediction, it was Grandma. When I realized I had a gift was when I was watching Hollywood Squares. I can't remember who the actor was, but he used to be on Hollywood Squares and wore the funny sailor hat. Growing up as a kid we had a bar and you could watch the TV, I was sitting there when I heard in my ear "Watch this, he's not going to be around much longer. He's going to go. He's going to leave. Seriously, he's going to heaven soon". Sure enough, the next week he died. I thought this is odd. I thought it must have been conditioning me so I could get ready for predictions.
The only time I got scared was the first time I saw a ghost. After that one it was very easy. It was like my guardian angel was giving me peace and allowing me to figure this out on my own.
When I vocally made my first prediction, it was Grandma. When I realized I had a gift was when I was watching Hollywood Squares. I can't remember who the actor was, but he used to be on Hollywood Squares and wore the funny sailor hat. Growing up as a kid we had a bar and you could watch the TV, I was sitting there when I heard in my ear "Watch this, he's not going to be around much longer. He's going to go. He's going to leave. Seriously, he's going to heaven soon". Sure enough, the next week he died. I thought this is odd. I thought it must have been conditioning me so I could get ready for predictions.
It's usually for the family members. I find this very strange, but sometimes I can't pick up on a person who they themselves might be on their deathbed. I can pick up on all their relatives, but sometimes I'm not allowed to know. Like when I was watching Hollywood Squares, if I had met that actor in person I probably would have never known.
I was really fortunate. I had brother who was homosexual. For my parents it was very hard and I'm very proud of them because they didn't stop loving him in the home. Even though I was raised in a Christian home, I was raised in a very liberal home. So I was a very lucky child. I got to experience things that other children didn't. If my family had shunned my brother, I would have lost out on amazing wisdom. I'm so fortunate that they were so loving. By the time I said "Mom, I have something important to tell you…I'm a witch." She said "oh thank God, let's go shopping." We were in the car and off we went. So there you go.
Yes. That's another thing that I gained. My other brother is, or was—God rest his soul now he's gone, was a minister in the Christian faith. So I had one brother who was a homosexual, another brother who was a minister and another brother who was a German war baby and then you have me.
So you have a little bit of everything.
I have to tell you I'm grateful for that family. Half the family is redneck and half is Italian. So that made it very comical. I think sometimes the spirits on the other side are just practical jokers and will say things that come out of my mouth that make me go, "I can't believe I said that". I think the reason I was raised in that kind of household is to make it open for me to communicate with the other side, even if it's a bad thing.
I'm not afraid of demonology at all. I feel that you have to learn what the other side that is siding against you is doing. Otherwise, how can you do battle with them? I study all aspects. I study the dark. I study the light and therefore I'm grey. I think the redneck in me and the Italian in me is what made me grey. Even though I deal with the guardian angel magick and the higher power and always try to do good, I'm sorry, but if you hurt someone I love I'll come after you full force. If somebody has been hurt and they call me, I will be very sympathetic to them and I'll do my best to help them seek the truth and get their revenge.
All of them are amazing. First off you're dealing with something that you're honored that they are even talking to you. You have to understand I'm a nobody. I really am. I'm just a translator. The only thing I've done is open myself up to hear them. So anytime they speak it's just amazing.
I would have to say the very first time I could also communicate with animals was totally amazing. I witnessed it for a wonderful woman and I could tell she was sad. All the sudden I saw all these different types of animals: bunny rabbits, German shepherds, kitty cats, birds saying, "Tell Mom we love her, tell her thank you so much for taking care of us". I never experienced anything like that. I looked at her and I said let me explain to you what's going on. She busted out in tears and said, "Those are my kids". I said, I know that. I never really realized, you always wonder where the animals go and I can reassure you that the angels have given me known evidence on the friend box that animals go to heaven. Every single one of those animals came up: raccoons, squirrels everything she took care of fed, nurtured and put on the right path. All of them came by to tell her how much they appreciated her. I just thought that was beautiful.
I think the hardest thing is when I get a teenager who might have died in a drinking and driving accident. The first thing they do is bust down in tears and apologize to their parents. That's a tough one. Those are the ones that you don't even want to tell the parents. It's hard.